
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Behind the Curtain: Intro

Ever since my intro post here on Frontline, I've wanted to come up with a weekly feature to run here on the site, but I couldn't figure out what. I thought about reviews, and interviews, and typical stuff like that. But everyone else is doing a good job of covering things like that, and CR keeps me pretty busy with news and the like.

I also didn't want to rehash columns I've done in the past for other sites. But that very sentence made me think of something I could do that I've never done before, specifically those last three words: "for other sites."

As I was talking to Chris Ventura (who was absolutely NO help at all) trying to come up with an idea, thinking about that line struck an idea. The figurative light bulb went off, and I'd like to imagine I stuck my finger in the air and said "By George, I've got it!" as opposed to saying "Hey Chris, how about this?" in a Facebook chat.

So now, after all that exposition, you're probably wanting me to go ahead and spit out what I'm talking about. Or, to be more accurate, what I'm talking about talking about. Confused yet? Good, it's not just me!

Anyway, I thought it would be an interesting idea to take you Behind the Curtain (yes, a Wizard of Oz reference, and I'm not ashamed) to get a peek at what we do here. Specifically, I want to take you behind that fictional curtain to show you elements of running and operating a comic news site that you may not be aware of, and will hopefully find interesting.

See, I have been doing this for quite some time now. Since 2005 I believe. The years get a little foggy to me, but I know it was 2005-2006, somewhere in that time period I really started in earnest. May have even been before that, come to think of it...

But the point is, I've been doing this a LONG time, so I feel like I have a pretty good understanding on what it takes to get things up and running and moving along. I have been involved with sites that did very well, and sites that fell on their face. I have pretty much run every site I've been involved with at some point, many times completely by myself for various reason. I know how to get traffic and keep people entertained, and I know how to turn people off and send them running.

So, this post will serve as my intro article for this soon-to-be regular feature here on Comic Frontline. How soon? Later today, actually! I wanted to write this intro early to tease the full debut this week, and then, theoretically, every Sunday I'll post a new article in the series.

I hope you enjoy the look back and behind the scenes, and I'd love to hear your feedback going forward. If there's anything you'd like to know, I'll be glad to address it at some point in the article itself.

But until later today, I thank you for taking the time to read my silly ramblings, and I look forward to interacting with you very soon!


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  1. Man I LOVE this idea! There are so many things I'm looking forward to seeing and learning! Great idea Brant!

  2. This is a great idea! Can't wait to see more Brant

  3. Thanks, Jay & Kat! I hope you enjoy it going forward.
