
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Image Gets Self-Obsessed


Sina Grace returns to slice-of-life roots with a new collection of autobiographical strips

For fans of his gothic-tinged retail hell graphic novel NOT MY BAG, Sina Grace (LI’L DEPRESSED BOY, BURN THE ORPHANAGE) presents a collection of rare and never-before-seen autobiographical strips in SELF-OBSESSED!

"I feel like I've been teetering between mainstream and indie. Self-Obsessed is a fun middle ground for the fans who love my slice-of-life stories like Not My Bag, and for the readers who got behind the raucous romp that is Burn the Orphanage. Plus—how fun are convenient one-shots jam-packed with quirky insights?"
Sina Grace

Loaded with new stories for this edition, SELF-OBSESSED is packed with quirky and humorous insights about comics, love, dreams, and frenemies.

SELF-OBSESSED is a one-shot comic that arrives in stores on 4/2, and will be available for $3.99. It can be pre-ordered using Diamond Code: FEB140508.

Let us know in the comments what you think of this Image Comics announcement and don't forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest Previews, Reviews, News and Interviews!

All images are courtesy of Image Comics

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