
Sunday, February 16, 2014

WWE And TNA Wresting Review for the Week of 2/9/14

The show starts out with the Raw guest host Betty White accompanied by the Big Show. She says she is so happy to be there. The WWE Universe chants her name and Big Show asks what does she have plan for tonight and she says she is going to kick butt. The Authority comes out and interrupt. They both hug her and Triple H and Big Show have a stare down. The Authority go to the ring and Triple H says they need to clear something up from last week.. He is if Daniel Bryan won they will consider him a possible face of the company. Just like the will do with the other participants in the chamber match. Randy Orton interrupts now and Stephanie McMahon asks him if he really going to come out and do this again. She tells him to go back to the back and get ready for the main event. He say no he isn't here to do that but is there to apologize to Triple H. He says he  is the heart and soul.

Daniel Bryan now interrupts Orton and tells him he thinks Orton is a different body part. Stephanie says she doesn't like either Bryan or Orton interrupting them and if they want to talk to The Authority they need to make an appointment. Bryan says he is out there to look for Kane since he is nowhere to ne found. He reminds them that Kane did their dirty work last week but Bryan still got the advantage and beat Orton. He demands a match with Kane but Stephanie says that Kane is on leave and is getting a performance evaluation. Orton yells at Bryan saying he needs to respect Triple H and Stephanie McMahon because of everything they have done for this business. Orton threatens to punt Bryan in the head. Triple H says that isn't needed because he gave Bryan the night off and that is best of business.


Rey Mysterio and The Brotherhood vs. The Wyatt Family. Cody Rhodes was still wearing the knee brace but was wrestling fine. During the match Mysterio kicks Harper and hit a hurricanrana on him into the ringpost. He hits a DDT and goes for the pin but Bray breaks it up. Rhode take Rowen out and Goldust take bray outside the ring. Mysterio sets Harper up for the 619 but Bray makes and blind tag and while Mysterio goes for the 619 Bray catches him and hits Sister Abigail for the win.


We see The Shield being interviewed by Renee Young. We are shown a video clip of Regins  accomplishment in the Royal Rumble. He says he admires the Royal Rumble highlight clip of himself. They begin to talk about the Wyatts and they are not afraid of them like other people are. Renee Young mentions the Ambrose hasn't defended the United States Championship. Ambrose says he will make an open challenge later on that night to any WWE superstar. I read earlier the Shelton Benjamin returned earlier in the night for a dark match. Could this be the guy to accept the challenge.


Santino Marella with Emma vs. Fandango with Summer Rae was the next match. I must say this match was a waste. This was a quick match in which Fandango hits diving legdrop for the win. This match would have been better as a mix tag match.


The next match was Sheamus and Christian vs. Real Americans with  Zeb Colter. The Universe was chanting for Real Americans mostly for Cesaro (Cesaro is now going by Cesaro now and no more Antonio). Towards the end of the match Swagger tries to go for the Patriot Lock but Christian breaks it up allowing  Sheamus to hit the Brogue Kicks for the win. This was a decent match between these two teams. I expected there to be some time of conflict between Sheamus and Christian due to the elimination chamber match.
Next match was Dolph Ziggler vs. Alberto Del Rio. Haven't we seen these to wrestle how many matches against each other. This was a quick match in which Del Rio wins with the superkick. Del Rio was about to leave the ring but decides to put Ziggler into the Cross Armbreaker but Batista comes out for the save. Batista ends up power bombing Del Rio into the announce table. Backstage we see Triple H talking to Batista and he tell Batista he bought him back to WWE because it was best for business. He tell Batista he cant have him doing that to Del Rio. He tells Batista he will allow both of them fight each other. He makes a match at the Elimination Chamber Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio.

Backstage we see The New Age Outlaws with Betty White and they are having tea. Road Dogg ends up putting eye drop in the tea as a prank. But before she can drink it she asks for lemon and when they go and get it she switches tea will Billy Gunn and they drink.

The Usos vs. Rybaxel was next and I guess it was for the number one contender match for tag team championships. The New Age Outlaws were on commentary and Billy starts to cough and burp sounded really disgusting. At the end Jey splashes Ryback on the floor as Jimmy tags midair and he hits a top rope splash for the win. After the match looks like Usos and The Outlaws are going to have a face off Billy runs off looking like he is going to crap his pants.

Earlier in the night Ambrose made an open challenge for WWE United States. Ambrose comes out with the other members of The Shield and waits to see who accepted the open challenge. Mark Henry music hits. Henry took early control in the match but Ambrose started to attack the arm Lesnar broke. Henry was able to hit the World's Strongest Slam but Regins broke it up for the DQ. They try to attack Henry but he fight them off until Regins hits the spear. As The Shield is about to leave The Wyatts come out and they have a stare down. The Shield goes back to ring and The Wyatts go to the ring. The Shield goes to into the ring and looks like The Wyatts are going to go into the ring but the back away. Looks like The Wyatts will be the main heels of the match at the Elimination Chamber.

Kane music hits and he comes out even through he isn't suppose to be there. As he begins to talk Daniel Bryan music hits and he comes out and attacks Kane.  Kane tries to chockslam but Bryan counters it and throws Kane to the outside of the ring. He hits a suicide dive and dropkicks him into the crowd and he starts the YES Chants.

The main event was next which was Randy Orton vs. John Cena. Now we have seen these two fight each other how many times?  We did hear during the match the fans cheering boring. But the match picked up towards the end. Both guys kept kicking out each other pins after hitting their finishes. They both used the other moves Cena RKO Orton and Orton hit the Attitude Adjustment on Cena and still two counts.  Cena goes to set up Orton with the AA on the top rope but Orton tries to counter but Cena was able to hit the leg drop and then the AA for the win.

This raw was a decent show and hopefully next week will be a lot better since its the last one before the Elimination Chamber PPV. Also in two weeks the WWE Network debuts. Are you going to order it?
Impact Wrestling begins this week with Dixie Carter coming out to the ring and talks about things she has that MVP doesn't which was the World Heavyweight Champion, Magnus. Ethan Carter III interrupts and says she also has him who took Kurt Angle out. We hearing heavy booing and Magnus tell the crowd to shut up because he is the champion. MVP comes out with Samoe Joe. MVP talks about Samoe Joe becoming the number one contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Gunner comes out and reminds everyone he still has the briefcase and he is tired of carrying the briefcase and he is cashing it in next week. Dixie says he might not have the briefcase because he will face ECIII in a ladder match for the briefcase. MVP agrees to play along as long ECIII put his briefcase (tag team championship match) on the line. She agrees but MVP warns ECIII if anyone interferes he will deal with them.

This sets up the first match of the night a ladder match briefcase vs. briefcase Gunner vs. ECIII. During the  match Magnus interferes and attacks Gunner. James Storm comes running out to make the save. MVP comes out and says it will be a tag team match Magnus and ECIII vs. James Storm and Gunner briefcase vs. briefcase in a ladder match. At the end ECIII climbs the ladder but Gunner is able to take him down with a side slam and hits a  diving headbutt. Gunner climbs the ladder and grabs both briefcase. Storm jumps on top of Gunner. So now Gunner as the briefcase for TNA World Heavyweight Championship and Tag Team championship.

BroMans and Zema Ion vs. The Wolves and their mystery partner Samoa Joe. Samoe Joe was really over with the crowd. The crowd was really interested in seeing The Wolves in action and they were good. Joe gets the hot tag and he beats down The BroMans and Ion. He hits Zema with a Uranage slam and then the Coquina Clutch to make him tap out.

We see a recap from last week of Eric Young vs. Abyss and EY taking the mask of Abyss to reveal Joseph Park. Abyss comes out and asks to keep the lights off with his hood over his head. Is it me or does this remind anyone of when Kane was unmasked the first time? He says he didn't want things to be like this but EY kept pushing for it. He calls EY to comes out and he does but is makes halfway. Abyss asks him if he is scared to come all the way into the ring EY runs into the ring. EY says he tried to help Abyss but Abyss says he needs to face reality. Abyss takes out the mask and says EY proved the Abyss is back. He tells EY he destroys careers and hurt people and he cant take it anymore, He screams and says he doesn't need help and he is done. He says he leaving and he is going to find someone to help him who understands him and will fix this. Who could this be? We will find I guess when he returns.

Velvet Sky comes in the Dixie office and asks to call her match with Chris Sabin off but Dixie says she cant. She tells Velvet she is getting paid to wrestle and not sit around so the match is still on. MVP asks if she is really going to let this match happen? She says she wishes MVP could wrestle so she can beat some sense into him. He says he is too busy cleaning up all of her messes. Spud begins to poke fun at MVP and MVP tells him to get dressed to wrestle because their match was next. This match was a quick match. Began slow since Spud refused to get into the ring and kept going in and out. MVP went to go after him and Spud attacked him but MVP quickly recovered. MVP hits a Ballin' elbow before kicking him in the back of the head for the win.

Velvet Sky vs. Chris Sabin was next. He says he is sexy and a very kind guy to Velvet. He says he is so nice he will let her have the first punch. She refuses and he calls her a skank and she kicks him and attacks him. Out of nowhere this big muscular lady enters the ring and attacks Velvet. She puts Velvet into a full nelson choke until she is in knocked out. Sabin covers Velvet for the win.

Ken Anderson vs. Bully Ray in a casket match was next. Honestly this match isn't the same even through its TNA this is  Undertaker match. The end came when Bully Ray goes to piledrives Mr. Anderson into the casket but Anderson refuses it into the Mic Check and closes the casket for  the win.

Before it goes off the air we see Dixie Carter and MVP in the office. Dixie says she has a deal for MVP. She offers him a lot of money for his shares of TNA. More money than he will even make. He opens up the envelope and see the amount. He says he invested his money to make TNA better. He throws away the papers and says he has a deal for her. At Lethal Lockdown it will be Team Dixie vs. Team MVP and winner will control TNA. Dixie refuses and says no until MVP grills her and she finally accepts and she says that the results will not be what he wants it to be.

This week Smackdown begins with a big six man tag match Daniel Bryan, Christian & Sheamus vs. The Shield. Beginning of the match the faces controlled the match but The Shield took over. The fans were chanting for Bryan to be tagged in. When he finally did they went crazy. Bryan clean house taking out all the members of The Shield. At the end of the match Christian hits the killswitch on Ambrose for a two count then Sheamus was going to hit the Brogue Kick on Ambrose but he ducks and Christian gets it. Regins then connects with the spear on Sheamus for the win.

Backstage we see Vickie Guerrero and Zeb Colter enters. He asks Vickie to be his Valentine. But she asks what he is up to?  She says she isn't going to buy into whatever he says. He says nothing but he says he does want Swagger to be in a title match since Cesaro already is. She says Swagger can get an Intercontinental Championship match against Big E if he beats Rey Mysterio and he agrees. But before he can leave she says it will be final four way match Jack Swagger vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kofi Kingston and Mark Henry and the winner will be the number one contender for Intercontinental Championship.

Number one contender for Intercontinental Championship Jack Swagger vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kofi Kingston and Mark Henry was the next match. Henry took control beginning of the match but Kingston and Mysterio took Henry out after a few minutes and then fought each other. At the end Swagger goes for the Patriot Lock but Kingston blocks it and goes for Trouble In Paradise but Swagger blocks it and but the Patriot Lock on Kingston for the win.  At the Elimination Chamber it will be Intercontinental Championship Big E. (champion) vs. Jack Swagger.

The Brotherhood and Usos vs. Rybaxel and New Age Outlaws. The heels quickly took control of this match. At the end The Usos superkick Road Dogg and Jimmy dives off the turnbukle to the outside on Billy Gunn and Rybaxel and Jey hits the flying splash on Road Dogg for the win.

Fandango with Summer Rae vs. The Miz (wow The Miz is having a match). This was an ok match. At the end Santino music hit and he and Emma come out. Fandango throws The Miz to the outside. Summer Rae screams at them and she slaps Emma. Emma attacks Summer Rae Fandango tries to go after Santino but Miz comes back into the ring and hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

The main event of the night was next Cesaro with Zeb Colter vs. Randy Orton. This was a very good match in my opinion. Cesaro goes for a quick pin but Orton kicks out. Cesaro controlled the beginning then Orton took over than Cesaro took over than Orton. One point during the match they both kept hitting each other with uppercuts. Cesaro was able to hit more uppercuts and headbutts but Orton throws him outside and throws him into the barricade. At the end Cesaro hits a powerbomb and then a big uppercut. He hits the  Neutralizer for the big win. No one saw Cesaro beating Orton in a match and if they are the last two in the Chamber we could see a new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. They announced the main event for Raw next Monday will be Randy Orton vs. Sheamus.

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