
Sunday, March 16, 2014

WWE and TNA Wrestling Review for the Week of 3/9/14

The host of WrestleMania Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan comes out to begin Monday Night Raw this week. Supposedly he has a big announcement about WrestleMania. He starts out saying his last two weeks has been off the chain with all the welcoming back home from people and about the positive feedback about the Network. He talks about being able to watch his all time favorite wrestling matches. He mostly talks about his match against Andre the Giant and him lifting Andre the Giant up. He said he came up with a historical idea. He said with celebrating 30 years there will be a 30 man over the top battle royal in memory of Andre the Giant and the winner will receive a trophy to honor the late and great Andre the Giant. He should a video of the trophy and it was unbelievable in a good way.  John Cena comes out (running normal) and they salute each other and hug. He says he came out to thank Hogan and welcome him home. He says Hogan is back where he belongs and its unbelievable. He said his favorite moment was when Hogan lifted Andre up and watching it at home. Cena does what you going to do brother (people boo) and says he is going to enter himself into the battle royal. The Wyatt Family comes out now.

Wyatt said he always has been fascinated with pride and its his favorite sin. He talks about Hogan slogan take your vitamins and Cena Hustle loyal and respect. He calls them both liars. He tells Cena to look up at him as a friend, if he looks down at him he is an enemy and if he looks at him in the eyes you will see him as a God. Cena ask him if he listens to himself. He calls Bray a homeless man. He tells Wyatt if he wants to prove himself and Cena challenges him at WrestleMania 30 and says he wont be in the battle royal. Bray says its always games with Cena and Wyatts go to the ring.

When we come back from commercial break Erick Rowan vs. John Cena. Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt is at ringside and so is Hulk Hogan. Rowan takes out Cena injured leg. He makes a quick cover for a two count. Rowan controlled and Cena tried to come back with punches but Rowan catches Cena with a throw away slam. Bray was yelling at Rowan for something. Again Cena tried to come back and Rowan caught him in a bear hug. Rowan goes to pick Cena up of his head but Cena was able to roll him up for the unusual way to win not once did he try to go for AA or STF. Rowan and Harper climb onto the apron with Hogan and Cena in the ring but quickly jump off and they walk off. Hogan and Cena does Hogan poses in the ring.

They announce for the people who has WWE app can pick the type of match for Sheamus vs. Christian match which is falls count anywhere 2 out of 3 falls and Memphis street fight. Also big tag match for the main event which is  Big Show and Daniel Bryan vs. Batista and WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton.

We see a recap of what happened during the last week main event. The Authority comes out Stephanie McMahon blame Bryan for what happened last week. She said Bryan should be fired but they wont do that and The Authority apologized and Bryan is a big market in him. She says as long Bryan apologizes to them. She says Triple H wont wrestle him because Triple H is better than him and if he wont apologizes then he will be fired.
The New Age Outlaws come out and hug The Authority. The Outlaws will be on commentary for the next match Rybaxel vs. The New Tag Team Champions The Usos.  Outlaws blame on losing the title because they will hurt and ill. Ryback control beginning of the match but Jimmy Uso came back but Axel throws him into the rope, Ryback quickly took over. Jimmy makes a tag and Jey takes over the control and hits the Samoran Drop. He super kick Ryback then Axel. He goes for the flying dive onto to Ryback while tagging in Jey. Jey hits the frogsplash for the win. While on commentary Outlaws was complaining about losing the titles.

Backstage we see Kane talking to The Shield. He tells them what they did on Smackdown was unprofessional. He tells them he is going to light a fire under them He said it began when they lost their tag title. He makes a match Rollins and Reigns vs. Rhodes Brothers. Rollins blames Kane for lighting a fire under them because of him losing his matches against Bryan.

Next match was Big E. vs. Jack Swagger with Cesaro and Zeb Colter. Beginning of the match Swagger tells Cesaro he has this and Cesaro says ok. Big E. starts the match with a spear in the corner. Swagger quickly takes Big E. to the mat. He clothlines Big E. for a two count. Big E. tries to come back but Swagger hits a big boot to the face. Big E. picks up the pace with clothlines but Swagger takes out the knee. Zeb told  Cesaro to interfere and help Swagger and Cesaro refused. While Swagger was distracted Big E. rolled him up for the win. Swagger gets into the face of Cesaro (Cesaro was laughing). They argue and Zeb Colter blames them both and he takes his jacket off. He demands them to shake hand. Cesaro does it and Swagger does it. Cesaro tightens the shake and Swagger in pain.

We hear the dongs go off and Undertaker music hits to a big ovation. He does his slow entrance as usual. This is off topic but I have to tell you all a story. When I was younger I went to a live event with my family. I must have been eight or nine. Undertaker came out with Paul Bearer. The light were completely off and he came out to his usual entrance music. I don't know if any of you have ever been to a WWE event and been there when Undertaker coming out. But Madison Square Garden made the arena freezing cold and this old guy who was sitting behind us tapped me on my shoulder to scare the crap out of me while Undertaker came out. Ok now back on topic. Undertaker was about to talk but Paul Heyman came out and apologizes for the interruption and says he has something to say. Heyman talks about the greatest streak and mentions all the greats who could never get streak like Undertakers. Heyman mentions Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold John Cena, Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin. He says Brock Lesnar will be the reason for the 22-0 streak to come an end and become 21-1. Heyman says Undertaker should be scared. Heyman says Lesnar will conquer the streak if the two of them face off and Lesnar will step in the unknown. Undertaker says he has a message for Brock Lesnar. Taker says "fear of death is greater than death itself but the unknown is the greatest of fear and Lesnar will rest in peace."

Next match was Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins with Dean Ambrose vs. The Brotherhood (Goldust and Cody Rhodes). When The Shield came out with a decent ovation. Rhodes and Reigns start the match with Reigns trying to go for a suplex but Rhodes reverses it and into a suplex and for a pin count of two.  Goldust gets tagged in and hits a knee for the top rope. Rollins gets tagged in knocks him down and elbow drops onto Goldust. Rhodes gets tagged in and whips Rollins into the corner. Reigns comes in and chocks him in the corner. Rhodes was able to duck and make a tag. Goldust comes in and quickly the Shield takes over the match.

Daniel Bryan comes out and says Stephanie McMahon came out and apologized and everyone knows it was not sincere and they are trying to scare him. He says he wont fall in line and he will continue to fight. He says he will not apologize because he is tired of Triple H ignorance. He says they are going to force him to take over raw and occupy it and he isn't going to leave until he gets his match at WrestleMania against Triple H. He says he isn't a lone and invites some people who are a part of the "Yes Momement." They go to a commercial break and when they come back the ring is full and the outside ring is of people. Bryan says they wont leave because they cant take it anymore.

Stephanie goes crazy  and screams that everything here is hers and Bryan needs to leave, but Bryan says he's still not leaving until he gets his match.  Triple says the truth is he likes Daniel Bryan and he was trying to protect Bryan. But he is going to end Bryan and the match at WrestleMania is on (the crowd goes crazy). Triple H tells Bryan to be careful what he wishes for. As Triple H starts to walk to the back Bryan tells him to wait because he is done. He says not only do the people want him to face Triple H at WrestleMania but they want him to fight for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. He says if he beats Triple H that he will be inserted into the main event at WrestleMania so it would be Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan. Triple H goes crazy and starts to run to the ring but security stops him and Triple H says he gets all of it and get out of his ring.

The fans got to vote for the following match of Sheamus vs. Christian in either falls count anywhere 2 out of 3 falls and Memphis street fight. The fans voted for a Memphis street fight. I must say this was the better match between these two than the last couple.  Christian starts out the match with a few punches but Sheamus hits him with a clothesline. Sheamus then throws Christian into the barricade then the announce table. Sheamus goes for the guitar and swings it as he is about to hit Christian with it but Christian ducks throws a few punches and Christian hits Sheamus with the guitar. Christian starts to beat Sheamus with the kendo stick. Sheamus was able to take back control by hitting white noise. The end came when Sheamus brings in a bass drum but Christian hits him before he can use it. Christian picks up the bass drum but Sheamus brogue kicks through the drum and pins Christian for the win.

Backstage we see Brad Maddox talking to an angry Batista of what happened with Triple H and Daniel Bryan and Triple H possibly making a triple threat match at WrestleMania. Orton comes storming in looking for Triple H. Maddox informs him that The Authority left the arena. Maddox tells the both of them they need to work together during the main event and take out Daniel Bryan and The Big Show.

The main event of the night Daniel Bryan and The Big Show vs. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton vs. Batista was next. Orton and Bryan start this match and Orton headbutts him. Bryan managers send Orton to the outside and hits a suicide drive onto Orton.  Batista quickly takes over the control over Bryan. Bryan took the beatdown from there. I must says Batista and Orton actually work well together. Bryan did end up making the tag to Big Show. Big Show knocks the heel around but Batista takes show out by the knee. Orton hits the RKO Show and sets up one for Bryan but Batista goes for the spear on Bryan but hits Orton instead. The end came when Orton points to the WrestleMania sign and out of no where Bryan hits the running knee for the win to end the show.

Impact Wrestling begins this week with Bobby Roode backstage complaining to his team about Carter insurance policy which was Bully Ray as the special guest referee who turned on them. He looks at ECIII with a nasty and disgusting look. Then we were shown recaps of lockdown.

The new controller (boss) of TNA MVP comes out to a big ovation. He says gives him pleasure that Dixieland is officially closed and they will move on. He talks about Bully Ray. He says he cant not talk about Bully Ray and his past. But he will give Ray an opportunity like everyone else. He talks about how he will run TNA. He will motivate all talents. If the have a beef with someone they will allow them to work it out in the ring. TNA World Champion Magnus comes out and says the MVP principle is the most ridicules thing he also ever heard. Magnus talks about Dixie wasting her time trying to keep control of TNA he was busy retaining he championship.  He says he is more powerful than ever. He introduces his new insurance policy Abyss (looks scary with a weird looking mask) There were a lot of sold out chants and Magnus agrees with them but says he doesn't look at Monster Abyss a monster but a machine and received an upgrade. Also Magnus says both of them are motivated by money and they are even more powerful. MVP says he made good points but Lockdown Joe was beating the hell out of Magnus but Abyss saved Magnus.

MVP says this conversation needs to stop until one more man comes out and introduces the number one contender Samoe Joe. MVP says reason why Joe is standing there nice and not beating the crap of them is because he believes in MVP principle and next week there will be a rematch for TNA World Championship Magnus(c) vs. Samoe Joe. Also the next match would be Joe vs. Abyss.

Match starts with Samoe Joe spearing Abyss and punching Abyss on the mat. They go to commercial break and when they come back Abyss is in control. He was throwing punches to Joe in the corner. Joe was able to move and throw himself into Abyss in the turnbuckle. Abyss takes over control again working in the injured ribs of Joe. Joes tries to come back but Abyss tries to chokeslams Joe. Joe hits the backsplash but Abyss came back again but Joe powerslams Abyss. Abyss hits the chockslam then leave to go to the outside and looks under the ring for Janice. Eric Young comes out and dropkicks Abyss from the top turnbuckle. 

JB is backstage saying he is awaiting for the arrival of Bully Ray and he stops talking and ask "what are you doing here?" It was Angelina Love and she asked him if he missed her. We come back and JB says Bully Ray will be arriving in a few and Willow comes out of no where.

Next was the debut of a new TNA Knockout Brittney who is a second generation wrestler (father is a wrestler promoter). It was Gail Kim vs. Brittney.  Kim starts out with a big kick to the face. Brittney came back for a minute with punches to the face. Kim begins with spears in the corner. Again Brittney goes for punches to the stomach but Kim again takes back control. Brittney his a neck breaker. Out of no where Lei'd Tapa goes to attack Brittney but misses and hit Kim. Brittney rolls Kim up for the win. Kim slaps Tapa and Tapa chocks Kim and they attack each other. Tapa attack Kim non stop until the referee separates her.

Bully Ray arrives and Spud gets in his face saying he is going to get everything that is coming to him. He gets attacked and gets beaten down by Team Dixie. ECIII says he embarrassed him and his family and they chock him out with his chain. Roode says he screwed Dixie and screwed him and Roode hits him with some type of a board.

Next match was The Bromans with DJ Z vs. Impact debut of the new X Divison champion Sanada and Tigre Uno. The Bromans took early control of the match when Robbie E clothlines Sanada and Jesse power bombs Sanada. Tigre Uno comes in but Robbie E launches Uno in the air but he its a drop kick to Jessie. From hell Sanda and Uno takes full control of the Bromans with high flying moves and fast pacing moves. The end came when Sanada splashes both Bromans, then throws Uno into a somersault dive. Sanda hits a moonsault for the win.

Backstage we see Bromans and DJ Z talking about them losing their match against Sanada and Tigre Uno and Bully Ray walks in and takes The Bromans out.  DJ Z tried to leave but Bully Ray grabbed him by he underwear and throws him head first into the lockers.

Rockstar Spud and Ethan Carter III to pay tribute to Dixie Carter. The fans are booing crazily which causes Spud gets angry at them and at MVP. He says this night is to honor his queen. He says he prepared a special tribute and starts to cry as he thanks her. He then starts to play a special Dixie Carter video and Spud reads a poem. MVP comes out and says Spud is acting like Dixie is dead but she is just doing paper work in the office. MVP says he actually like Spud. He says he knows that Spud can be very loyal to him as he was to Dixie. MVP says Spud has a contract with TNA as an active wrester and he needs to be a wrestler since he has to full fill his contract. Spud says he cant be a wrestler because he is a Chief of Staff and the wrestlers in the back are bigger than him. MVP says Spud won British Boot Camp. Spud gets pumped up until MVP announce Spud would wrestle the Impact debut of Jeff Hardy alter ego Willow.

ECIII starts to laugh until MVP announces next week ECIII will wrestle this guy and Bobby Lashley comes out. ECIII refuses and says he cant wrestle Lashley since he doesn't have a contract. MVP says he made a good point but and that why he signed Lashley to a contract. Lashley picks up a poster of Dixie and smashes it over Spud head two times but the poster would break (kind of funny). ECIII gets into Lashley face but end ends up leaving. We see ECIIII walking out of the arena into the backstage and Bully Ray now takes him out.

A street fight match better Mr. Anderson and Samuel Shaw was next. Shaw comes out with a Christy doll (Just a doll with a red wig on it). Mr. Anderson comes out with his user entrance with the lights off and him calling for his microphone from the roof but Shaw attacks him from behind. Shaw throws Anderson down the ramp them throws him into the steel steps. Shaw checks on his Christy doll which is creepy. The end saw Anderson go to kiss the doll which he does then throws it at Shaw. Shaw goes crazy puts it down and Anderson hits the mic check for the win. I must say this Shaw character being creepy and a stalker to Christy Hemme is actually working.

Angelina Love comes out to a good ovation. We hear the fans chanting "welcome back. Love says how great it is to be back and she thought she would never hear that music again. She says she is happy to be back and to see the fans. She says she came back because of one person and calls out Velvet Sky. Velvet Sky comes out and they hug. Love says she wanted to say a lot before she left and owes a lot of her accomplishments to Sky and The Beautiful People. She says her pride got in her way but she owes a lot to Velvet for her career. Love asked Velvet if The Beautiful People can be put together. Sky says she didn't even expect to see Angelina Love to be back and they have even spoken. Sky says she finally found herself and even won the Knockout Championship on her own. Sky says she doesn't even want to go backwards. Love tries to convince her that it will be great getting back together. Sky says she need to think and will give her an answer soon and leaves. This will be interesting to see where this goes. Either they will get back together and one turns on the other or they just don't get back together.

The Impact debut of Willow vs. Rockstar Spud was next. During the match you can see this is a different side of Jeff Hardy and I mean a lot tougher side. Willow controlled the match. Spud tried to comeback by taking out the eyes of Willow but wasn't enough. Willow puts Spud onto the top turnbuckle and puts Spud onto his head and hits Spud with the umbrella for the DQ. But Willow wasn't done there. He goes under the ring and grabs a ladder and steel chair. He puts the chair around Spud leg and steps on it non stop. I went everyone to remember Spud is the reason Jeff Hardy lost his match to Magnus in the Dixie Land Match. Willow climbs onto the ladder and splashes off onto Spud. As Willow is leaving Bully Ray comes out and they look at each other and they keep walking.

We come back from the commercial break and Bully Ray is in the ring. We hear the fans chanting his name. He says he thought he would never hear them chanting for him. He says when you die your life flashes before you and he says when he was mic checked by Anderson into the casket it helped him see the light. He says he wants to give him a good reason for his actions at Lockdown. But instead Roode and his colonies of goons decided to make it physical and he was trying save Roode from himself. He said if Roode won he would just turned into another Dixie Carter and they don't need that and that he saved Roode. He says he wants to stop talking and fight. Roode comes out and all hell breaks lose. Bully Ray starts punching Roode a few times and hits him with an elbow. Ray points to the fans and screams "get the table" He goes under the ring for a table and the fans go crazy. He sets it up and walks into a spinebuster which allows Roode to set up for the Roode Bomb. Bully counters it with I guess a half of a 3D. He then powerbombs Roode through the table to end Impact this week. I guess you can say Bully Ray is a face now.

Friday Night Smackdown begins this week with a recap of the Occupy Raw with the 'YES' Movement. After we are shown the recap Triple H comes out to major heat and says Daniel Bryan wasn't there. He says the fans are the main reason why Daniel Bryan got his way at WrestleMania. He says that he is glad that they had their movement and their moment is done. He goes onto say he will finally end the 'YES' Movement. Triple H goes on to say that the movement could have continue to grow but he is going to crush everyone hope when he beats and buries Daniel Bryan. He says there will not be a triple threat match. He says he wants to move on and wants to begin the action. He calls out the first wrestler and says it the wrestler who was part of the movement and it was Damien Sandow. Triple H tells Sandow he could punish him for not following orders and it could go away if he apologizes. Sandow does and Triple H accepts however Triple H says Vickie Guerrero made a match against Sandow and this man. The Shield comes out and we don't know which one it is.

We come back from the break it was Damien Sandow vs. Seth Rollins. Rollins stomps on Sandow but Sandow comes back by throwing Rollins to the outside. Sandow has control and start punching Rollins in the corner and works on the legs. Rollins ends up holding the ropes and Sandow goes outside the ring. It looks like he was going to walk away but Ambrose and Reigns surround him. Out of no where Rollins hits the suicide dive. He throws Sandow back into the ring and kicks him in the back of the head for the win. After the match Rollins and Reigns do the bump fist but Ambrose refuses. He tells them to hold on and goes to throw Sandow back into the ring. They all triple team Sandow and hits the triple powerbomb. Ambrose tells them they can now do the bump fists.

The Brotherhood vs. The Real American with Zeb Colter was next. Goldust starts the match with hiptossing Swagger and takes him down with a drop toe hood. Rhodes gets the tag and goes for a wristlock on Swagger. However Swagger throws him into the corner and tags in Cesaro who uppercuts Roodes. Rhodes was able to come back with a clothline then a dropkick onto Swagger. He throws Cesaro outside the with and goes to dive onto Cesaro and Cesaro catches him. Real Americans were in full control on Rhodes after this. The end came when Cesaro tag himself in the Real Americans have some conflict and Rhodes rolls Swagger up for the win. After the match The Real American attack both Goldust and Cody Rhodes. They throw Rhodes into the ringpost nonstop  until The Usos came out for the save.
Next was Kofi Kingston vs. Bray Wyatt with Luke Harper and Eric Rowan. Bray goes after Kingston in the corner but Kingston ducks and hits a clothesline. Bray tries to go for a splash but Kingston rolls away and hits a spinning kick. Bray whips Kingston and he sidesteps Bray and hits him with  a forearm. Bray counters and shoves Kingston head first into the floor. Bray splashes him in the corner and then hits Sister Abigail for the win.
Backstage we see The Shield and Kane. They ask Kane why they are there. Kane congratulates them for their week and the success they had. Ambrose questions him if he thought differently. He tells Kane he should concentrate on his match with Big Show tonight. Kane tell Ambrose he has a lot to learn and Kane will lead by an example. Kane tells them they are required to be at ringside for the main event. He will allow them free reign against the Big Show. Rollins tell Kane they don't need anyone else's scraps. He says all Kane wants is their protection but they will do what best for business and they say "Kane can believe in that."
The next match before the main event was Dolph Ziggler vs. Alberto Del Rio. This was a decent match Dolph Ziggler was way over. Del Rio throws Ziggler into the turnbuckle and then throws him outside but Ziggler is able to throw Del Rio into the apron and hits Del Rio with a lot of elbows in the ring. We come back from break and Del Rio is in control and hits a dropkick on Ziggler and hits a backbreaker. Del Rio goes for the cross arm breaker but Ziggler counters with a Zig Zag for the win. After the match Ziggler announced he will be part of the 30 man Andre the Giant battle royal.
The main events of Kane vs. The Big Show. Now earlier Kane told The Shield they have to be at ringside for this match but they didn't come out with him. As the match began The Shield walked out as Big Show throws Kane in the corner and chops him. Kane goes for the chokeslam but Big Show is able to block it and clothesline and spears Kane. The Shield walks towards Big Show and Kane tells them to attack Big Show.

The main events of Kane vs. The Big Show. Now earlier Kane told The Shield they have to be at ringside for this match but they didn't come out with him. As the match began The Shield walked out as Big Show throws Kane in the corner and chops him. Kane goes for the chokeslam but Big Show is able to block it and clothesline and spears Kane. The Shield walks towards Big Show and Kane tells them to attack Big Show. The Shield ends up ignoring Kane and they back away. Kane goes crazy and yells at them but no effect on the Shield. Kane turns around and Big Show chockeslams him for the win. After the match The Shield walk away and Rollins is the last one and Kane reaches over the top rope and grabs him head first and throws Rollins into the ring. Kane goes to chokeslams Rollins but out of no where Reigns spears Kane to end Smackdown. This was an ok show and I have seen better.

Remember this Sunday 3/16 Total Divas season two on the E! Network premiers at 9 p.m.

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