
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Kat's Pull List for 5/28/14 - "More Delayed Titles"

Kat talks about all the comics she is getting this week. Check out what Kat is excited for in this week's pull list.

Dark Horse

Furious #5

This has been one of my favorite Dark Horse titles and I am sad to see it ending. I really hope that the world finds out the real identity of Furious. That would make a for a great ending!

DC Comics

Batman Eternal #8
There has been some lackluster issues of Batman Eternal, but I have a feeling with the return of Stephanie Brown to the series it will be a fun ride.  

Batman #31

I love Scott Snyder's writing and Greg Capullo's artwork for this series, but I really am not liking Zero Year. I feel like it has been going on for way too long. I just want to get back to present day Batman stories. 

The Flash #31
I have been surprisingly liking the new Flash creative team. I like that Vendetti is putting his own spin to the character. Really excited for him to explore more of the Wally West story. 

Futures End #4
Another series I did not expect to enjoy, but have been enjoying a lot. I am really curious to see the Red Robin and Lois Lane story continue and it seems like we are going to get more of that story in this issue. 

Nightwing #30
This last issue was delayed with the rest of the Forever Evil tie-in titles. I am really excited to see how they will end this series and to finally get the full story of what is going to happen with Dick Grayson. 

Even though Nightwing has had some bad issues, it also had some great issues especially with the first story arc. It is going to be sad to see this series go.   

Chew/Revival #1
These are two titles I have always wanted to start reading and I thought this crossover would be the perfect place to start because they are going to have to make this new reader friendly. 


Disney Kingdom's Seekers of Weird #5
This is the last issue of an okay mini series. The first issue blew me away, but the rest was the same adventure in every issue. I hope that this mini series at least ends well. 

Fantastic Four #5
This is the best Fantastic Four series in recent years, but I kind of wish there was some sort of story arc going on in the series. It is just a lot of mini arcs.

Guardians of the Galaxy #15
I dropped this series for a while, but it finally seems that this series has found it is footing. With adding some interesting members to the team. Really excited to see how Captain Marvel joins the team.        


Ms. Marvel #4
I have been loving this story and it has been really fun to see Kamla's journey to becoming a superhero.   

Uncanny Avengers #20
I just recently started to pick up this series again and it has been a solid read. I see myself sticking with this series for a little while.  

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