
Friday, May 23, 2014

To The Warren Born: Phoebe Halliwell

Hey everyone, this week on Comic Frontline and Comic Related we are doing a Bonus week for Zenescope. Last week I reviewed Season 9 of Charmed, and this week I decided to give some bonus features to those reviews by doing some profiles this week of the four Charmed Ones, and their loved ones. Today I am going with the one that spoke the words that charmed them all, Phoebe Halliwell.

Phoebe Halliwell is the third daughter of Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett and was born on November 2, 1975 but her presence was felt as early as March 24, 1975 when she gave her mother Patty a prenatal vision of the future.

It was phoebe that found the Book of Shadows after being guided to the attic by the spirit board and who recited/cast the Dominus Trinus that unbound the Charmed Ones powers. Phoebe was also the first one to embrace their roles as the Charmed Ones. Phoebe spent much of her life up to that point searching for something and once she found the Book of Shadows her destiny that she had been seeking had found her making her grow and develop as a person.

Phoebe's powers were originally more passive powers with the power of premonition, but it didn't stop her from being an active Witch through her martial arts and her gift for spell casting. Phoebe's powers would grow as her sisters did to include levitation, empathy and psychic reflection.

Phoebe's two biggest obstacles in life had always been her love life and her job. Both were the source for much friction between Phoebe and Prue. Phoebe's love life introduce Cole Turner and his demon self Balthazar. Cole was the love of Phoebe's life for much of the show with their ups and downs. Both still have scars from their relationship to this day.

Given Phoebe's troubles with jobs and romance it was sort of fated that Phoebe found her calling as an advice columnist where she specialized in love advice.The job introduced Phoebe to a new way of heloing innocents. It also feels that fitting that Phoebe would find her true love in the form of Coop, a Cupid.

Coop and Phoebe would have three children, a daughter named Prue that they call P.J.who is twice blessed with the powers of a witch and a Cupid. Their second child is a daughter named Parker whose powers or lack thereof is unknown since she was conceived while both parent had magic but when she was born the world was flipped magically where magical beings were without magic while mortals possessed it. Their third child is known by P.Halliwell.

Let us know in the comments what you think of this Zenescope BONUS Week Charmed Profile and don't forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest Previews, Reviews, News and Interviews!

All images are courtesy of Zenescope Entertainment

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