
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kat's Pull List for 6/25/14 "Hiatus Week"

Kat talks about all the comics she is getting this week. Check out what Kat is excited for in this week's pull list. This week Kat is on a hiatus so she will not have any video reviews this week, but if you want to see her thoughts go to her twitter and facebook where she will have mini reviews.

DC Comics

Batman #32:
I love Greg Capullo and Scott Snyder on this book, but I am getting tired of Zero Year. Glad that this is the penultimate issue.

Batman Eternal #12

I have really been upset with Batman Eternal. I want to love this series, but the story and especially the art have been weak. I just hope this series can make a turn around, especially with this being the only series with Stephanie Brown right now.

The Flash #32

 I have been pleasantly surprised with the new creative team for the Flash. Brett Booth’s art fits the world Robert Vendetti is creating for the Flash. Also looking forward to seeing what they do with Wally West’s character. Did he ever become Kid Flash in the future? 

Justice League #31

This is one of my most anticipated series for this week! I am really looking forward to meeting Jessica Cruz, the first female lantern from earth. I have been impressed with this series ever since the Trinity War. Hope it can keep up with the pace. 

Futures End #8

Just like Batman Eternal, I don’t think this series knows where it is going. It has some interesting sub plots, but they try to squeeze too much into one issue. The beginning was strong, but for the past couple of weeks it has been low on my list. 

Secret Origins #3

This title is not officially on my pull list because it doesn’t have to be. I only get this title when I see a character I like. I want to see Vendetti’s version of Green Lantern’s origin. Also want to see Red Robin’s origins for the New 52. I don’t think we have seen it in the past.

Sinestro #3

This is the best Green Lantern series out right now! It is everything you want from Vendetti’s Green Lantern run. 

Superman #32

I usually don’t buy Superman, but this is the start of a new creative team on the title. Geoff Johns is the writer and John Romita Jr is the artist. I can’t wait to see what Geoff Johns does with this character, but my fear about this new creative team is John Romita Jr. I really don’t like his art for superhero comics. I am afraid his art will be the reason I drop this title.


Cartoon Network Super Secret War #1 

This is IDW’s next big event and I am very excited to pick this issue up. I grew up with a lot of these Cartoon Network shows and I think it will be fun to see these shows crossover in a big comic book event.


Invincible #112

I loved Invincible #111 and it kept me wanting more. This is another anticipated issue for me this week! What will happen to Atom Eve and Mark next? 

Outcast #1

Outcast is another Robert Kirman series, and if you are a collector I would get this issue while you can because it may go for a lot of money in the future.


All New Doop #3

I know this series is not for everyone, but I am having a lot of fun with All New Doop. I think it is a cute series and it doesn’t hurt that it has one of my favorite characters in the series.

Amazing Spider-man #3

Black Cat is looking for some revenge! This is going to be a fun issue and we are finally going to get some long awaited drama in Peter’s life.

Avengers Undercover #6

I just heard that this series is getting cancelled with issue 10, which is a bummer. I thought the series had a lot of potential, but maybe they are making room for a Runaways series. (Hey, a girl can dream!) 

Fantastic Four #6

This has been a solid Fantastic Four series so far, and I am excited to see how Original Sin will tie into the series.

Guardians of the Galaxy #16

I have a feeling this is going to be a promotional issue for the new Starlord series coming out soon, which I don’t mind because at least he is part of the Guardians of the Galaxy team. Sometimes Marvel makes pretty blatant promotions in other titles when they don’t actually belong there. 

Ms. Marvel #5

I love Ms. Marvel! It is always on the top of my list for my Comic Uno Episode show. It is a great teen superhero book that also looks within Muslim culture in America. 

Uncanny Avengers #21

When this series originally came out I didn’t really like the series, but I am glad that I started picking up this title again. It is one of the better Avenger titles.


Godstorm Hercules Payne #3

I am not a big fan of Greek mythology, but I am having a fun time with this series. Pat Shand grounds this new version of Hercules where anyone can relate to the title.

 (Remember guys follow Kat on twitter: and Facebook: for mini reviews)

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