
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Kat's Pull List for 7/23/14 "FINALLY THE END OF ZERO YEAR!"

Kat talks about all the comics she is getting this week. Check out what Kat is excited for in this week's pull list.

DC Comics

Batman Eternal #16

I have been saying this every week, but this title is a roller coaster. Sometimes you will get an enjoyable issue, but other times this title can be worst pick of the week.

Batman #33

As the title says, finally the end of Zero Year. Not saying that Zero Year is a horrible story arc. It just feels like it has been going on forever. Just excited to move onto a new Batman story arc. 

The Flash #33

I have been surprisingly enjoying Vendetti's run for the Flash. It keeps itself separate from Buccelletto and Manapul's run, but it doesn't feel like a drastic change from the story they were trying to tell. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 57)  

Futures End #12
Compared to Batman Eternal, this series has been consistently uninteresting. I know this series is trying to tell a different type of stories with C-list characters being the main character, but their stories aren't interesting enough to grab the normal comic book reader's attention. 


Superman #33
I started picking up Superman last month because Geoff Johns was starting his run on the series. I liked what he was doing with the character, even though I am not a big fan of John Romita Jr's artwork. Last issue was a little forgettable, but I hope readers can get a hook with this issue.   


Cartoon Network Super Secret Crisis War: Johnny Bravo #1
I didn't love the first issue of the main story arc of Super Secret War, but I think IDW has been doing well with the Cartoon Network properties. So, excited to see what they do with Johnny Bravo. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 57)


Revival #22

During my hiatus I had the chance to catch up with Revival, and I love this series. It has interesting character dealing with a intriguing mysteries. Can't wait to be reading this monthly because this has to be one of my favorite independent books out right now. 

All New Doop #4

I thought the first two issues of this mini series were really cute, but then the third issue kind of got ridiculous with Doop having mommy issues. Hope the fourth issue can go back to just being a cute mini series, but it doesn't seem that way by the cover. 

The Amazing Spider-man #4

This is my most anticipated issue for the week! Really excited to see what Silk is all about.  

Daredevil #6

This looks like another solid Original Sin tie-in. We will get to learn more about Daredevil's mother in this issue.       


Godstorm Hercules Payne #4

Zenescope gives an interesting twist to the Hercules myth. Looking forward to seeing how this mini series wrap up. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 57) 

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