
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Zenescope: On The Shelves 01-14-2015

Zenescope: On The Shelves 01-14-2015

 Zenescope  Entertainment  is celebrating their Year10 milestone in 2015 by releasing 10 issues per month. With a mix of the ongoing and brand new, these releases contain the hottest and most sought after stories in the Grimm Universe! On The Shelves will keep you informed on what they have coming out every week with a little preview!

"Ten issues per month is the perfect way to celebrate our ten year anniversary. It keeps the amount of issues manageable for fans and allows us to really focus on the quality of our titles.” 
Joe Brusha, Zenescope Co-Creator and President 

 Zenescope  Year 10  releases feature the ever-popular GRIMM FAIRY TALES, ROBYN HOOD, REALM WAR, GRIMM TALES OF TERROR, AND WONDERLAND.  These on-going titles will be joined by modern mini-series including THE LITTLE MERMAID and THE WHITE QUEEN plus the 3rd installments of OZ and THE JUNGLE BOOK.

 Zenescope  Year 10  event highlights graphic novels and collections including the WARLORD OF OZ and GRIMM TALES OF TERROR hardcovers, a ROBYN HOOD omnibus, and the much-anticipated GRIMM FAIRY TALES SOURCE BOOK.

Cinderella is a blood thirsty sorority girl who has a supernatural prowess with a blade.  When she botches an assignment for the Dark Queen, she gives Cindy one simple mission – a mission no one expects her to complete. Hades has launched a one man assault on the Dark Horde and manages to take out the Limbo Queen before retreating. Cinderella makes plans to lure Hades to a ball, where the two will finally have their vicious showdown.

The FINAL ISSUE in the Cinderella Age of Darkness Series.

Cinderella Age of Darkness #3
Written By: Pat Shand
Art By: Ryan Best
Colors By: Thiago Dal Bello
Letters By: Micah Myers
Edited By: Nicole Glade
Price: $3.99
Release Date: 1/14/15

Calie Liddle, as the White Queen, seeks to transform the tainted realm of Wonderland back to its original glory.  Last year, Violet Liddle became the new Mad Hatter of Wonderland.  Because of her control over her power, she was able to suppress the madness within and maintain her sanity.  But what happens when a girl whose destiny lies in Wonderland attempts to live a normal life on earth?

Wonderland #31
Written By: Erica J. Heflin
Art By: Manuel Preitano
Colors By: Leonardo Paciarotti
Letters By: Christy Sawyer
Editor:  Pat Shand
Price - $3.99
Release Date: 1/14/15

Welcome to OZ and the characters within.  Zamora is the evil witch who brought OZ to its knees.  Now, see her before the corrupting black magic twisted her into a monster.

Tales from OZ #6:  Zamora
Written By: Jeff Massey
Art By: Mario Del Pennino
Colors By: Hedwin Zaldivar
Letters By: Corey Breen
Editor:  Nicole Glade
Price - $3.99
Release Date: 1/14/15

For more information about  Zenescope  Year 10 , comics and books, or anything else regarding Zenescope, be sure to check out Zenescope

Let us know in the comments what you think of Zenescope Entertainment Announcement and don't forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest Previews, Reviews, News and Interviews!

All images are courtesy of Zenescope Entertainment

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