
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Kat's Pull List for 2/11/15 "Spider Verse Comes to an End"

Kat talks about all the comics she is getting this week. Check out what Kat is excited for in this week's pull list.

DC Comics

Arrow Season 2.5 #5
I have been really enjoying this Arrow tie-in book. It brings new fresh stories to the Arrow universe. 

Batman Eternal #45
Batman Eternal was a bit weak last week. I am hoping this series can go back in track and land in my top 5 again. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 85)

Earth 2 World's End #19
Earth 2 World's End improved a little bit last week and it seems that it is starting to find a direction it wants to go into. But is it too late for this series? (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 85)

Harley Quinn Valentine Special #1
I dropped Harley Quinn a couple of months ago and I am pretty happy with my decision. So you might be asking yourself, why I am getting this Valentine Special. I thought the premise seemed fun and I like to take the New 52 Harley Quinn in small doses.

Injustice Gods Among Us: Year Three #9
I've been really enjoying this series. I am surprised the next issue is coming out so soon, but I guess they are trying to rush the ending a bit.     

Justice League United #9
I haven't really been liking this Legion of Superheroes story arc for Justice League United. I've never been a fan of the Legion of Superheroes and the arc is kind of dragging. Legion is stealing the spotlight from the United team, sadly. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 85)

Futures End #41
From the last issue it seems that Futures End is finally leading into it's conclusion. Can these final couple of issues redeem this weekly series? (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 85)      

Smallville Continuity #3
Really sad to see this series ending, but I think Miller is building up towards an epic ending for his run on Smallville. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 85)  


Morning Glories #43
From the cover it seems like we are going to dig deeper into Casey's campaign to run for school president and go face to face with the Headmaster. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 85) 


All New X-men #36
I've been a little disappointed with this Ultimate Universe story arc. I was really excited for the 616 X-men to crossover with the Ultimate Universe, but so far it's been kind of bland. 

The Amazing Spider-Man #14
Spider-Verse hasn't been perfect, but I am very excited to see how this story arc will end. We've all made our speculations on Comic Frontline, let's see if any of our predictions are right.         

Captain Marvel #12
Captain Marvel has been a pretty solid series, and I hope it stays in this positive direction. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 85)  

Guardians of the Galaxy #24
I really enjoyed the first part of Black Vortex. Let's hope Guardians of the Galaxy continues this momentum. 

Spider Woman #5
I feel like with every issue of Spider Woman this series has been improving. Very excited to see how Jessica Drew's life will change after Spider Verse.  

Thor #5
Thor is another series that has been surprisingly impressing me. But I do hope that the mystery of the new Thor starts to unfold a bit more with these next couple of issues.     

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