
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Kat's Pull List for 2/18/15 "Silk Comes onto the Scene"

Kat talks about all the comics she is getting this week. Check out what Kat is excited for in this week's pull list.

Dark Horse

Ei8ht #1
I really don't know much about this book's premise, but the creative team really intrigues me. I really love Alburquerque's work on American Vampire and I want to what type of writer he is. Can he handle writing and doing the artwork for this series? (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)

DC Comics

Batgirl #39
I am still really conflicted with this story. I am interested in this Burnside plot building up, but still hesitant on character motives of Barbara.  

Batman Eternal #46
The past two issues of Batman Eternal have been a bit weaker than before. Lets hope the series can go back on track with Ra's Al Ghul in the mix. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)

Batman/Superman #19
I have been really enjoying Batman/Superman. This story arc really highlights why Batman and Superman are best friends. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)  

Earth 2 World's End #20
I am ready for this series to be over. It's becoming really repetitive and continues to be boring. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)  

Injustice Gods Among Us Year 3 #10
DC is really trying to push Injustice out. I think this is the third week in a row this series has come out, but I am not complaining. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)  

Justice League #39
This is the last part of the Amazo Virus. I have been enjoying this arc, but at the same time I feel like it's been pretty filler. Lets hope this part changes that.  

Futures End #42
The past couple of issues of Futures End have been a bit of an improvement. The series is finally tieing into Convergence, but I still don't think this series was worth 40+ issues. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)    

Supergirl #39
This new creative team has a lot of potential for Supergirl, but now I feel like this run is a waste of time. There are only a few issues left before Convergence and then this creative team's run will be over. I don't think they have enough time to accomplish what they want with the character. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)  

Teen Titans #7
This series is a massive improvement on the last Teen Titans run. I am curious to see where this creative team takes these characters.

Wonder Woman #39
Wonder Woman has been slowly improving. Especially with Donna Troy's story becoming part of the forefront.     


Invincible #117
I love the emotional beats for this series and it seems like we are going to get even more with Atom Eve and Mark in this issue. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)  

Secret Identities #1
Secret Identities is a new series from Image I don't know much about, but I am sucker for secret identity stories. So I am pretty excited to see what this series is about. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)  


Legendary Star Lord #9
I have been really impressed with Black Vortex and I am excited to see how the arc continues in Legendary Star Lord. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)  

Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #10
I am really happy that Miles' father's arc is over. I am excited to get back into the ultimate spider-man action we all know and love. Hopefully we will also get more Kate Bishop in this issue.   

Ms Marvel #12
This looks like it's going to be a cute Valentines Day issue. Glad we can get a fun story now that we are out of the Inventor arc.  

Nova #27
I really enjoyed the last issue of Nova and it seems like this series is finally getting back on track. Grounded space stories! (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)  

She Hulk #12
Sad to see that this is the last issue of She Hulk. Hope they do something with the character after this series ends. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)  

Silk #1
I am really excited to read Silk. I think the character has a lot of potential and might be better handled in her own series compared to be a supporting character in The Amazing Spider-Man.   

Silver Surfer #9
Silver Surfer has been a really solid series from Dan Slott. I really like Silver Surfer and Dawn's chemistry. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)   

Uncanny X-men #31
I am not a fan of Axis by any means but I do want to know what is happening to Havok.   


Charmed Season 10 #5
Charmed is starting to get really interesting, especially now with the death of Cole. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)  

Robyn Hood Ongoing #7
I have been really enjoying Robyn Hood and I love how Pat Shand has been fleshing out these characters. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 86)  

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