
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Kat's Pull List for 2/25/15 "The Mary Janes Return with a New Single"

Kat talks about all the comics she is getting this week. Check out what Kat is excited for in this week's pull list.

Boom Studios

Curb Stomp #1
This seemed like an interesting title. It's an all female cast about gangs. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 87)

DC Comics

Batman #39
I haven't been totally impressed by this new Joker story arc. The story is a bit of a slow burn. Hopefully it picks up with this issue.


Batman Eternal #47
I like the direction this series is going and the story is finally explaining why it's called Batman Eternal. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 87)

Deathstroke #5
This series has been slowly improving. I like the addition of Jericho and Rose, but I still think there are a lot of unnecessary characters.   

Earth 2 World's End #21
The Huntress and Batman story is picking up, but everything else is pretty predictable and boring. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 87) 

Flash #39
I am getting really bored with this future Flash story arc. This series needs to pick up the pace, no pun intended. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 87) 

Futures End #43
Futures End has been slightly improving and it's finally making sense on how this is connected to Convergence. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 87) 

Secret Origins #10
I usually don't buy this series, but after reading Batgirl #39 I had to see how the story continued!


Orphan Black #1
I have never seen this series, but I have always been interested in watching it. I hope this issue can be a good sample for new people wanting to get into the franchise. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 87)  


Graveyard Shift #3
Issue 1 and 2 were both my pick of the weeks. So as you can see I am really enjoying this series. It's a grounded vampire story with romance, crime, and of course vampires. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 87)  


All New X-men #38
I am glad the Ultimate Universe story arc is over because it was a bit underwhelming. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 87)  

The Amazing Spider-Man #15
I know people were underwhelmed with the finale of Spider-Verse, but I think this epilogue is going to tie things up for the arc.   

Daredevil #13
The beginning of the end. How will Mark Waid end his amazing run on Daredevil? (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 87)  

Fantastic Four #643
Another series that will be ending very soon. Will the Fantastic Four be part of the Marvel universe? (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 87)

Shield #3
Shield has been a fun series so far. I still don't know it's place in the Marvel universe, but it's fun.     

Spider-Gwen #1
It's finally here!!! This is one of my most anticipated titles for the year. I loved Edge of Spider-Verse issue 2, where Spider Gwen made her first appearance. I fell in love with the character and her world. Can't wait to see how her life changes after the events of Spider-Verse!   

Spider-Man 2099 #9
I am curious to see where Miguel is heading after the events of Spider-Verse. Will he return to 2099 with open arms? (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 87)  

Superior Iron Man #5
I've been really enjoying Superior Iron Man, but I am not really excited for this issue. I don't know if I care enough about Teen Abomination.  

Thor Annual #1
I've been really enjoying the new incarnation of Thor. I hope we get more clues on who the new Thor is in this Annual.   


Effigy #2
Effigy had a really solid start with an interesting mystery and premise. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 87)


The Little Mermaid #1
I am super excited to read Little Mermaid! I am a huge fan of the Disney movie and I want to see Zenescope's unique twist on the character. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 87)  


  1. Are you going to be pulling any of the new Archie superhero books from Dark Circle? The Black Hood starts on the 25th. And The Shield, who has a strong female lead, starts in April. Just wondering. Other then that we have a lot of stuff in common. So, great list!
