
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

From A Single Spark Comes… LAST EMBER PRESS

From A Single Spark Comes… LAST EMBER PRESS

There’s a new company heading to shelves everywhere from the creative minds of Lisa Moore, Brant Fowler and John Wilson. In a time when comics have gone "mainstream" making the leap to the small and big screen in everything from animated series to live-action feature films, it has gotten to the point where one could get lost trying to find that special story that appeals to them. Enter LAST EMBER PRESS, that last flicker of hope that promises to spark the imagination and take you on a unique journey with titles that you can't live without!

Last Ember Press (LEP) promises to offer a variety of titles that will span at least three different banners to ensure everyone can find something they like. The first wave will bring something under each banner. The first of the three banners will be, the Ember-Verse which will have titles set in the main universe featuring the studio's flagship character Ember.

Plot: Brant Fowler and John Wilson
Script: Brant Fowler
Pencils: Rudi Supicito
Inks & Colors: Lisa Moore
Letters: Brant Fowler

“It has happened before, long ago. Now, here, one final time, it happens again…”

Ember is an ordinary teenage girl with ordinary teenage problems. Until one fateful day, her entire world changes, and something deep down inside of her – something she never knew existed – comes to the surface. That is the day that the fire started.

Now, Ember must try to understand what is happening to her and why. Unbeknownst to her, it has all happened before, and she is the last in a long line of Icons to possess these abilities.

Her life is about to get much more complicated.

The second banner is a creator-owned one where creators can feel free to create worlds that are limited only by their imaginations.

Writer: John Wilson
Pencils and Inks: Rowel Roque
Colors: Lisa Moore
Letters: Brant Fowler

Pneumatic Cases: A Story of Deduction, Seduction, Death and Pistons

The story follows Lord and Lady Ravenscroft, two brilliant scientists and inventors whose bohemian lifestyle and inventive ways are in direct contrast to the staid and proper ways of Victorian Era London. Served faithfully by their steam driven metallic Major Domo Pneuman, and armed with a variety of elaborate self created inventions, the Ravenscrofts pursue the one vocation that brings excitement into their world…solving murders.

In the coming adventures, The Ravenscrofts will find themselves in extreme and unusual locales from the Houses of Parliament to deepest, darkest Africa and beyond. And whether dealing with savage natives, deadly criminals or arrogant backward thinking Londoners, two things are for certain. The Ravenscrofts will always find the most creative way to get out of trouble (which if Percy made it, it will have the longest name you ever heard). And they will be loving every minute of it!

Mature Audience Suggested: (for strong innuendo, Victorian Era harsh language, violence, potentially sexually suggestive moments and mature themes).

A young-reader anthology series featuring the adventures of CHAR-MAGEDDON, EEK! LI'L MONSTERS, and TIN TOWN.

Writer: John Wilson
Pencils: Rudi Rillf
Inks & Colors: Lisa Moore
Letters: Brant Fowler

Every parent thinks that their child is special, but for Emily and Mitchell Eden; special takes on a whole new meaning. Their daughter Charlotte is cute, precocious, and rambunctious and can fly and lift cars over her head! Everyone in Fairville knows her secret but bad guys beware! Cause trouble in her town and you will find yourself in the middle of a CHAR-MAGGEDON!

Writer: John Wilson
Pencils: Lucia Conchita
Inks & Colors: Lisa Moore
Letters: Brant Fowler

EEK! A mer-boy, a wolf-boy, a young techno witch, a girl ghost, a flying monkey, a short vampire, a teen monster and an invisible baby all live in a house down the street! EEK! They are cool and funny and crazy but never scary! EEK! They have all these crazy adventures and kooky capers. EEK! It’s  EEK! LI’L MONSTERS!

Writer: Brant Fowler
Pencils: To Be Announced
Colors: Lisa Moore
Letters: Brant Fowler

In every major city, you can find one. Those streets that seem to take those aspects from a far away place and bring it right here to America…within the space of a few city block. Every city has a Chinatown, a little Italy, a mini Budapest or a tiny Moscow. All cultures gravitate together, bringing their food, their beliefs and their way of life and blend into a beautiful mosaic that makes up the big city. But in all of this, where do the robots go? They go to TIN TOWNWhat happens when a human baby is left on a robot family’s doorstep and they decide to raise it as their own in TIN TOWN?

The final banner is an all-ages banner where everyone from the kids to the kids in us all can find fun adventures!

Writer: Lisa Moore
Pencils: Iwan Nazif
Inks & Colors: Lisa Moore
Letters: Brant Fowler

Faerie Stories centers around Alex, a young Faerie who is quite different from others of her kind. In her world, Faeries are rather solitary creatures.  They spend most of their time alone: they live alone, eat alone, work alone.  They are a bit skittish and some even afraid of their own shadow.  They live life very cautiously.  Alex is the exact opposite; she cannot understand why all of the other Faeries are of afraid of every little thing.  She loves to be around other Faeries (though very seldom gets the chance), so with the absence of other Faerie companions she has become friends with many of the forest animals.  In fact, her best friend is Kai, a woodland chipmunk. Her greatest desire is to find another Faerie that shares her views on the world.  Fairie Stories is a tale of longing, friendship and an example to live your life without fear. Unfortunately the first one they find is Tavin, who won’t even give them the time of day.

Last Ember Press has plans to spread like wildfire that extend far beyond the first wave. The second wave and beyond promises to bring even more fun and adventure your way. With titles like MAIDEN FAIRE, CELESTIAL FALCON and MORE!

Celestial Falcon
Writer: Chris Ventura
Artist: To Be Announced
Colors: Lisa Moore
Letters: Brant Fowler

All his life, Chris felt like something didn’t fit; like there was something more to his life. One day he learned not only was he right, he was something more than even he could ever imagine. An epic journey begins that leads him to make a decision that not only impacts his new life but the entire world. Now it’s up to Chris as Celestial Falcon to protect the entire world from the evil being that threatens to destroy everything and shroud the world in darkness.

You can expect to see the first offerings from Last Ember Press at Derby City Comic Con on June 20-21, 2015 in Louisville, KY. To learn more about Last Ember Press, these titles, their future appearance and more check out Last Ember Press

“From A Single Ember, An Endless Fire Can Grow."
- Last Ember Press

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Let us know in the comments what you think of this LAST EMBER PRESS announcement and don't forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest Previews, Reviews, News and Interviews!
All images are courtesy of Last Ember Press

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