
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Kat's Pull List for 5/20/15 "Secret Wars Tie-Ins Begin Here"

Kat talks about all the comics she is getting this week. Check out what Kat is excited for in this week's pull list.

DC Comics

Convergence #7
Last week was a big improvement to the main event title of Convergence. Let's hope the title can keep this pace as we get closer to the end.  

Convergence Adventures of Superman #2
Adventures of Superman was one of the unique Convergence tie-ins. Superman and Supergirl had a battle outside of the dome and in the phantom zone. I want to see how this battle plays out, especially now that Supergirl knows she is going to die. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 98)

Convergence Flash #2
With the first issue I was really impressed by Flash's interior monologue. I hope they keep that with this issue and of course I hope Barry finds Iris in the end. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 98)

Convergence Green Lantern Corps #2
Green Lantern Corps was a pleasant surprise last month. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 98)    

Convergence Justice League of America #2
I loved Justice League of America last week because of Sue Dibney's return. I hope Ralph and Sue get their happily ever after in this universe. 

Convergence New Teen Titans #2
New Teen Titans was also a fun read last month. It was great to see the team together again.   

Convergence Wonder Woman #2
I didn't expect to like Wonder Woman as much as I did. I am looking forward to seeing how Steve and Diana defeat the vamperized Joker.   


A-Force #1
This is one of my most anticipated new series from Marvel. I am really excited to see what Willow Wilson will do with an all female Avengers team.  

Daredevil #15.1
Matt is finally sitting down to write his book. I think this will be a cool flashback type issue. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 98)  

Guardians of the Galaxy #27
Last issue was a huge improvement for Guardians of the Galaxy. Let's see if the series can continue its excellence. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 98)  

Planet Hulk #1
I am getting this title on whim because Hulk has been on a roll this past year. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 98)  

Spider-Verse #1
I was originally more excited about this title because Mayday was going to be in the series, but still excited to see these spider people come together again. Lets hope this series has more room for character development than the original story had.  

Ultimate End #1
I have been a big ultimate universe fan for years. So its sad to see this universe officially end but lets hope it goes out in a bang.  

Uncanny X-men #34
Uncanny X-men is one of the most improved series this year. Every issue has really been impressing me. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 98)  


The Little Mermaid #4
Little Mermaid has so far been the best of Meredith Finch's work and one of my favorite mini series from Zenescope. Can't wait to see where this series goes! (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 98)  

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