
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Kat's Pull List for 7/29/15 "A Lot Of Batgirl"

Kat talks about all the comics she is getting this week. Check out what Kat is excited for in this week's pull list.

DC Comics

Batgirl Annual #3
I feel like this is a story that has been a long time coming. We really haven't seen Dick or Babs interact since Dick "died" last year. I hope Babs finds out he is alive. I am also curious what this new creative teams take on Dick and Babs' relationship will be.

Batgirl #42
This is my most anticipated issue to read this week! I really can't wait to find out if Jim Gordon finds out his daughter is Batgirl. 

Deathstroke Annual #1
I think Deathstroke is a pretty solid series. I do still think they should add Rose and Jericho as supporting characters, but Slade still holds the series well. (Exclusive for Comic Uno Episode 107) 

Flash Annual #4
If this issue doesn't impress me I think I am finally dropping this series. This series has been lacking for me for a long time. 


Copperhead #9
I really like the originality of this series. It has an interesting world and group of characters. This series has a lot of room to grow. (Exclusive for Comic Uno Episode 107)  


Daredevil #17
I don't like Daredevil's new look, but I still really like this title. Mark Waid is doing a fantastic job and it's going to be sad to see this creative team go when they do. (Exclusive for Comic Uno Episode 107)  

Shield #8
I really like this series! Mark Waid has been doing a great job with mixing the regular 616 universe with the Marvel Cinematic Universe from the Agents of Shield television show.  

Thors #2
I feel like it's been forever since the first issue of this series, but the first issue was really good and can't wait to read this one! I want to see Jane in this story.    


Scarlett Coutoure #4
I like the originality and art style for this series, but I do feel that the spy stuff could have been stronger. (Exclusive for Comic Uno Episode 107)  


Tales of Terror #13
I know this series is ending soon. It was a fun ride while it lasted. (Exclusive for Comic Uno Episode 107)

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