
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Zone 4 #312: The Long Goodbye

Zone 4 #312: The Long Goodbye

What you are about to hear is highly classified. Pay attention and listen at all times.... And most importantly remember: Dinosaurs always trump superheroes apparently, at least accordingly to the Hollywood Box Office of course it probably helps to have a Legendary Star-Lord wrangling your dinosaurs up. This week we have the Zone 4 A-SquadBrant Fowler, John Wilson, Gordon Dymowski, and Captain Ron Fortier. The crew returns for another jam-packed episode of your favorite podcast, Zone 4! This episode: The latest comic related TV and Media news, and some recent movies and such. Plus, this is the last episode for one of the cast as they move on to other endeavors. Ladies and gentlemen you are now entering Zone 4!!!!

Zone 4 Audio Podcast Episode #312

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All Content Is Courtesy Of Zone4 Podcast

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