
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Media Madness Vidcast 61: Teen Wolf Season 5-A Discussion

Welcome to the Media Madness Vidcast! Each week Kat and I do a show where we discuss the latest in TV and Movie news, and sometimes we are joined by other members of Comic Frontline, or other members of the YouTube Community! This week Jay, Comic Book Theater& Kat, Comic Uno, are joined by Jeremy, Mr. J's Comic Reviews, & Mimi, Morganstein17 as we rise from the ashes and look back at the Teen Wolf Season 5A Finale!

This Week's Madness:

TV & Movie News:
  • Coach Reboot Not Happening
  • Mega Man Movie
  • General Lane Cast For Supergirl
  • Hawkman Series Regular on Legends of Tomorrow
  • Tony Todd Will Voice Zoom
  • Linda Park & Jesse Quick On Flash
  • Look At Civil War Movie Team
  • Diggle’s New Costume For Arrow Season 4
Talking Teen Wolf:
  • Senior Year
  • New Characters
  • Dredd Doctors (The Surgeon, The Pathologist, The Geneticist)
  • Chimeras
  • Theo Raeken
  • Scott & Stiles
  • Scott & Kira 
  • Predictions/Theories
  • Finale Rating
  • Season 5A Rating

Media Madness Linkage:

Let us know in the comments what you think of this Media Madness episode and don't forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest Previews, Reviews, News and Interviews!

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