
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Kat's Pull List for 11/4/15 "Bendis' Run on X-men Ends"

Kat talks about all the comics she is getting this week. Check out what Kat is excited for in this week's pull list.

Boom Studios

Rowan's Ruin #2
Issue 1 gave me enough to get me interested in reading issue 2. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 119) 

DC Comics

Batman and Robin Eternal #5 
This has been a solid weekly series and I am really glad DC Comics has a series that centers around the whole Bat Family. 

Detective Comics #46
I usually don't pick up Detective Comics, but I am interested to see how the Justice League will interact with Jim Gordon as Batman. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 119)  

Green Arrow #46
I haven't been impressed with this new run of Green Arrow. It's felt very generic. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 119)  

Justice League Darkseid War The Flash #1
I wasn't originally going to pick up the Darkseid tie-ins, but I was really impressed by last week's Batman issue. So I will try to pick up as many of these tie-ins that I can. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 119)  


Justice League Darkseid War Superman #1
Like I said above, I was really impressed with the Batman tie-in so I am going to try out more of the Justice League Darkseid tie-ins. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 119)  


Citizen Jack #1
This looks like an entertaining political comedy. I am going to give it a shot. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 119)  

Paper Girls #2
I loved the first issue of Paper Girls, it was actually my pick of the week. I hope this series continues to be entertaining. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 119)  

We Can Stand on Guard #5
The past couple of issues for We Can Stand on Guard have a bit slow. I hope the series will pick up momentum. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 119) 


The Amazing Spider-Man #3
I am still getting use to Peter's new status quo, but interested to see what direction Dan Slott will go with the title. 

Deadpool #1
I usually don't pick up Deadpool, but I have heard great things about Duggan's last run. So I want to give his new run a shot. 

Extraordinary X-men #1
I am a huge X-men fan and this series seems to have diverse roster. I will give it a shot. 

Invincible Iron Man #3
One more issue until MJ joins Iron Man! I have been really impressed with this series. I am happy to be excited about Iron Man again.    

Nova #1
I had fun with the last Nova series, and I hope I can say the same for this series. I am excited to see how Sam will interact with his father now that he is back in Sam's life. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 119)  

Uncanny X-men #600
This issue has been delayed for a such a long time, but finally we will see how Bendis will end his X-men run.  

Vision #1
I am not a big Vision fan, but I love the concept for this series. It's going to be interesting to see Vision try to live a normal suburban life.  

Survivors Club #2
I thought the first issue of Survivors Club was pretty interesting. Going to see where it goes. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 119)  

Unfollow #1
I always like a good commentary on media. Giving this Vertigo issue 1 a shot. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 119) 

Grimm Fairy Tales #116
Grimm Fairy Tales has quickly become one of my favorite Zenescope titles. I love the unlikely relationships that Shand has been building in the series. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 119) 


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