
Monday, October 26, 2015

Symmetry: A Utopian Future by Top Cow’s President

Cover A

By: Nicole D’Andria

Imagine a world where there was no such thing as hunger, sickness or work.  No, this isn’t The Purge. This is the world of Symmetry, a new Image Comics’/Top Cow Productions’ series about a Utopian society free from the perils of the world… as well as individuality, creativity and negative emotions.

In Symmetry, people live in segregated areas and live a long life full of leisure, games and socializing. No one seems to care that genetically, individuality, creativity and negative emotions have been bred out of society. No one except one man and woman who start a revolution when they meet each other. The question is, will their relationship save mankind or end it?

Cover B

The series will be written by Top Cow’s President/COO Matt Hawkins (Think Tank, Aphrodite IX) with illustrations by Raffaele Ienco (Fantastic Four, Epic Kill). Hawkins talked about his experience researching the project, mentioning that “I spent a ton of time talking to psychologists about what it would take to create a world with no aggression or violence…. 

From my research it would require eliminating diversity, ambition and creativity. Sounds bland I know, but it’s an interesting exercise and amazing for storytelling opportunities. Symmetry is an interesting Utopian future that gets broken, which results in some fantastic drama for the lead characters.”

Cover C

Symmetry #1 will be available for $3.99 with three different covers, all drawn by Raffaele Ienco. Enjoy all 32 pages of the first issue on December 9, 2015 in comic book stores. The potential for this story sounds high, especially with Hawkins going so far as to add a realistic element to the story by talking to psychologists. I'm curious to see how this Utopian society functions.
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