
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Top 5 Comics I Am Thankful For In 2015

Today everyone is always fast to take to social media and complain about what they don't have or what they want. This does not escape the comic book community, we complain about our favorite books, titles, about creative teams and say what they do wrong. Thanksgiving is the time of the year when we sit, reflect, and give thanks for what we have, so today I am going to give thanks to five titles that I am truly thankful for in 2015.

Now for a disclaimer: I am not saying these are the best ever books of 2015, we all have different tastes and these are my top 5 books, and each one is an ongoing, no mini-series or events. With that out of the way llets begin:

Ms. Marvel
I know everybody and their Great Grandmother is raving about this book and about the character, but come on she deserves it. Comics has been trying desperately for a long time to be more diverse and the usual method is kill or retire a straight white male character and replace him with someone of a different gender, sexual orientation, or color, then came Kamala Khan who proved that you didn't have to do that. Ms. Marvel didn't kill or retire anyone to achieve her time in the spotlight, what this book did was tell a great story with a great new character that honors a legacy while forging her own. What I love about Ms. Marvel is that it celebrates all things Kamala every month we are taken on a journey with this amazing young woman who is unapologetic about who she is, from a screaming fan girl who gets to meet her heroes to a daughter having a heart-to-heart with her mom about her secret identity.

Morning Glories
Comic Books have a reputation for just being tights and capes or kids books or whatever other term people use to describe a medium. I would tell all of those people to pick up Morning Glories, this is the most intelligently thought provoking comic out there right now. Yes I said it. Each and every month this book grabs you and makes you reach into your mind and think, this isn't a story about a guy in a cape fighting a giant gorilla, this is about theology, philosophy, mystery, intrigue and drama. I came on late to this title binge reading over 30 issues in 24 hours because it was that awesome. I have to add a side thanks to Kat Comic Uno who recommended this title to me.

Charmed Season 10
I still maintain that Pat Shand is secretly writing this series just for me. Most shows that continue on with comic seasons have a few issues per "episode" episode.which pretty much equals to a longer and shorter seasons, but each month Charmed fans are treated to a printed episode that delivers a complete entertaining story with our favorite Chosen Ones. Everything I ever loved about the show is highlighted in this series, especially my two favorite Charmed Ones Pru, and Piper.

Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman is the premiere female superhero I don't care if you are a Marvel, a DC, or an Indie, you can not deny that she is the premiere female Superhero and just one of the premiere superheroes period. I have always loved her, she has always stood as that character that was what women needed in any era. Her story brings in Greek Mythology and brings it into the modern world.When DC launched the New 52 I was very vocal for over 30 issues how much I disliked the book, but then came the Finchs, Meredith and David Finch, and they brought back MY Wonder Woman, the amazingly awesome character I always enjoyed. I love the fusion of super heroics and mythology and anyone that can bring back Donna Troy as a blood lusted warrior then redeem her into the heart of the book in just a few months and have me loving every page deserves a standing ovation and my thanks.

Gotham Acadmey
Be honest you knew this one was a given right? I mean I rave about this book every month, I talk about it any chance I can, and I recommend it to EVERYONE!!!! This was a title that when it was announced I said "Cool a series with Tim, Stephanie, Harper and maybe some other Bat-Teens that we know and love." I was thinking about Young Justice and maybe having that vibe to it. Then we were told the premise and it was no one we knew, just new kids attending Gotham Academy, and I thought "ok, this will last 6-12 issues and be cancelled," but decided to give it a shot just to see what it was about, and man I was never happier to be so damn wrong. This book has a truly diverse cast that each pop off the page from the mystery of Olive Silverlock, to  the way enthusiastically adorable Maps Mizoguchi that steals every scene and fuels your enjoyment of the book every month. I could go on and on about this forever but in short the writing is gripping the art is beautiful and DC NEEDS TO MAKE THIS AN ANIMATED SERIES/MOVIE NOW!!!!

Well those are my Top 5 Comic Book Series that I am thankful for in 2015, I would love to hear all of yours.

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