
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Frontline LIVE 129: That's So Frontline LIVE!

Every week the Comic Frontline crew unites to do a LIVE Show through Google Hangouts where we discuss the news and comics of the week and have some fun while doing it! This week the crew are down by half but power through to talk about: The JLA gets the Main Man! Daredevil franchises! Defenders Assemble! Kevin Smith's Superdaughter! Eleven gets StrangerR.L. Stein Unleashes a new Marvel Series! & That's So Raven Too! The Top 5 let your voice be heard in our weekly poll and more!

This Week The Frontline Crew Discuss:

Comic News:
  • Rest of JLA Team Announced
  • Elektra, Bullseye, and Kingpin Get Comics in Feb
  • RL Stine Working on a Comic Book for Marvel
  • Monsters Unleashed Will have a few Ongoing Spin-Offs
Media News:
  • That's So Raven Gets a Sequel Show
  • Karen Page and Misty Knight will be in Defenders
  • Stripe to show up on Legends of Tomorrow
  • Defenders Allies Join Nextflix Show
  • Kevin Smith's Daughter will be in his Supergirl Episode
  • Eleven to Return for Stranger Things Season 2
    Weekly Poll: (Results Will Be Read After The News On Frontline LIVE 130!)

    • Worst Picks
    • Top 5
    • Bonus Books
    • Most Anticipated

    Comic Frontline Linkage:

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