
Sunday, September 2, 2018

Power Rangers Week - Day 6: Top 29 Evil Rangers!

Currently, Power Rangers is celebrating 25 continuous years on the air, making it one of the longest-running kids’ live-action series in television history with nearly 900 episodes aired to date. Created by Haim Saban and launched in 1993 with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the franchise celebrates its milestone anniversary year with the 25th season, Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel currently airing on Saturdays at 12 p.m. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon in the U.S. To mark this Morphinomenal was the first OFFICIAL POWER RANGERS DAY! But I don't think a day is enough, so here on Comic Frontline, this is POWER RANGERS WEEK! A week filled with my list of Tops such as Top Seasons, Top Theme Song/Intros etc and to celebrate today I will be counting down the Top Evil Rangers!
As previously established, these rankings do not reflect their reflective series. I am not including the evil for an episode Rangers, because I would have almost all the Rangers on this list. I am also not adding Lord Zedd's Dark Rangers (either version), the TV show version because it was a weak plot device that never played out, and the old comics because there was no resolution to the story. I am taking into consideration the reason they are evil, the originality of their storyline, their use, what they did while evil, and the resolution to their

29. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers - Kat Hilliard - Pink Ranger

I like Kat as a character, but her as the evil Kat was kind of bland and was way too obvious on what they were doing.

28. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers - Tom Oliver - Green Ranger

The Original Tommy Vs Tommy battle but it was a been there done that thing with another evil Tommy Green Ranger who is turned good after the spell is broken.

27. Power Rangers Dino Charge / Dino Super Charge - Zenowing - Doomwing - Silver Ranger

Zenowing/Doomwing was a cool story but felt a little bit too close to Merrick / Zen Aku. 

26. Power Rangers Jungle Fury - Master Phant - Elephant Spirit Ranger

The Spirit Rangers are really cool, I loved that they were original in every way. They were American originals, they weren't people but the spirits of them, and I loved their design. Them being the spirits of the Masters is what puts them on here and their ordering is again just on how I like their look/design.

25. Power Rangers Jungle Fury - Master Swoop - Bat Spirit Ranger

The Spirit Rangers are really cool, I loved that they were original in every way. They were American originals, they weren't people but the spirits of them, and I loved their design. Them being the spirits of the Masters is what puts them on here and their ordering is again just on how I like their look/design.

24. Power Rangers Jungle Fury - Master Finn - Shark Spirit Ranger

The Spirit Rangers are really cool, I loved that they were original in every way. They were American originals, they weren't people but the spirits of them, and I loved their design. Them being the spirits of the Masters is what puts them on here and their ordering is again just on how I like their look/design.

23. Power Rangers In Space / Lost Galaxy - Psycho Yellow

The Psycho Rangers were really cool, but we never got anything other than them being evil. I would have liked to see something more of them. It is their pure dedication to destroying the Rangers that earn them their spots on this list, but most of them are interchangeable so they, like the Spirit Rangers are placed in order of how I like their color/design for the most part.

22. Power Rangers In Space / Lost Galaxy - Psycho Black

The Psycho Rangers were really cool, but we never got anything other than them being evil. I would have liked to see something more of them. It is their pure dedication to destroying the Rangers that earn them their spots on this list, but most of them are interchangeable so they, like the Spirit Rangers are placed in order of how I like their color/design for the most part.

21. Power Rangers In Space / Lost Galaxy - Psycho Blue

The Psycho Rangers were really cool, but we never got anything other than them being evil. I would have liked to see something more of them. It is their pure dedication to destroying the Rangers that earn them their spots on this list, but most of them are interchangeable so they, like the Spirit Rangers are placed in order of how I like their color/design for the most part.

20. Power Rangers In Space / Lost Galaxy - Psycho Red

The Psycho Rangers were really cool, but we never got anything other than them being evil. I would have liked to see something more of them. It is their pure dedication to destroying the Rangers that earn them their spots on this list, but most of them are interchangeable, but I think Psycho Red stood out a little more.

19. Power Rangers In Space / Lost Galaxy - Psycho Pink

The Psycho Rangers were really cool, but we never got anything other than them being evil. I would have liked to see something more of them. It is their pure dedication to destroying the Rangers that earn them their spots on this list, but most of them are interchangeable, but Psycho Pink actually killed a Ranger which places her higher up. 

18. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Comic - Psycho Green

The Psycho Rangers were really cool, but we never got anything other than them being evil. I would have liked to see something more of them. It is their pure dedication to destroying the Rangers that earn them their spots on this list, but most of them are interchangeable except for Psycho Green. He was created for the comics and actually gave me more personality in his appearance, plus his Psycho Dagger (my name for it) is really cool. Oh yeah did I mention that he was Dark Spector's right-hand man, and killed not one but three Power Rangers?

17. Power Rangers Mystic Force - Nick Russell - Knight Wolf

And the son becomes the father, a great story where Nick becomes the Wolf Knight. Him being possessed by the master and becoming the exact evil form his father was allowed him to understand something he never had before, how could his father do the things he had done, even under a spell.

16. Power Rangers Mystic Force - Leanbow - Knight Wolf 

The Father becomes the son, this circles back to Nick's story. Leanbow sacrificed his life with his family to banish the Master but was instead turned evil. I loved his story and how he went from evil to good. I also loved how the experience, in the end, helped them bond.

15. Power Rangers Ninja Storm - Hunter Bradley - Navy Ranger

The Thunder Rangers were really cool and weren't evil by a spell but by manipulation. Hunter was filled with vengeance seeing the Rangers' Sensei and by extension the Rangers themselves as being responsible for their parents' death.

14. Power Rangers Ninja Storm - Blake Bradley - Crimson Ranger

The reason Blake ranks higher is because of his conflicting feelings with their plan. They got in and befriended the Rangers in order to destroy them, but getting to know Tori, Blake fell for her and it was that feeling of attraction that caused him to doubt their plan and vengeance, making him the more interesting of the two for me. 

13. Power Rangers S.P.D. - A-Squad Pink

The A-Squad Rangers weren't turned evil, weren't manipulated, they willingly decided to be bad. They wanted to be on the winning side and they went with the villains because they believed Grumm would win. Besides the leader none of the A-Squad Rangers had anything that made them stand out not even a name except for the Red Ranger, so don't let the sites with names for the rest fool you, those are fan-created names only. So for the Rangers, I am just placing them in the order in which I like their color for the most part.

12. Power Rangers S.P.D. - A-Squad Green

The A-Squad Rangers weren't turned evil, weren't manipulated, they willingly decided to be bad. They wanted to be on the winning side and they went with the villains because they believed Grumm would win. Besides the leader none of the A-Squad Rangers had anything that made them stand out not even a name except for the Red Ranger, so don't let the sites with names for the rest fool you, those are fan created names only. So for the Rangers I am just placing them in the order in which I like their color for the most part.

11. Power Rangers S.P.D. - A-Squad Yellow

The A-Squad Rangers weren't turned evil, weren't manipulated, they willingly decided to be bad. They wanted to be on the winning side and they went with the villains because they believed Grumm would win. Besides the leader none of the A-Squad Rangers had anything that made them stand out not even a name except for the Red Ranger, so don't let the sites with names for the rest fool you, those are fan created names only. So for the Rangers I am just placing them in the order in which I like their color for the most part.

10. Power Rangers S.P.D. - A-Squad Blue

The A-Squad Rangers weren't turned evil, weren't manipulated, they willingly decided to be bad. They wanted to be on the winning side and they went with the villains because they believed Grumm would win. Besides the leader none of the A-Squad Rangers had anything that made them stand out not even a name except for the Red Ranger, so don't let the sites with names for the rest fool you, those are fan created names only. So for the Rangers I am just placing them in the order in which I like their color for the most part, but Blue earned this spot by looking so freaking cool.

9. Power Rangers S.P.D. - Charlie - A-Squad Red

The A-Squad Rangers weren't turned evil, weren't manipulated, they willingly decided to be bad. They wanted to be on the winning side and they went with the villains because they believed Grumm would win. Besides the leader none of the A-Squad Rangers had anything that made them stand out not even a name except for the Red Ranger, so don't let the sites with names for the rest fool you, those are fan-created names only. So for the Rangers, I am just placing them in the order in which I like their color for the most part, but Red earner her spot by being the first female Red Ranger and by being the only one with a name.

8. Power Rangers Jungle Fury - Camille - Green Chameleon Warrior 

Camille was the first villain turned into a good Ranger. She wasn't under a spell she was a henchwoman for Dai Shi and she served him loyally but we saw her turn throughout the season and she joined Jarrod when he turned good.

7. Power Rangers Jungle Fury - Jarrod - Black Lion Warrior

Jarrod places above Camille for the reason he was in training to become a Ranger and he was already showing signs of being dark, he was cocky, conceited, power-hungry, angry and violent all on his own then became possessed by Dai Shi and eventually was freed and turned around a whole new leaf by becoming good and stood alongside the Rangers even making peace with Casey.

6. Power Rangers - Dino Thunder - Trent Mercer - White Dino Ranger

Trent was a great evil Ranger. He was a lot like Tommy, he was being controlled to be evil, but it was his own father who was controlling him, and he even had his own evil clone, like Tommy. All of this in a season where Tommy was the mentor of the team makes Trent stand out.

5. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers - Tommy Oliver - Green Ranger

Tommy ranks higher than Trent for one reason, he was the first. Tommy was the first evil Ranger we ever saw (there could have been others somewhere in the past in untold stories but he was the first we saw). Tommy's connection to the Rangers was new but impactful and is by which all other evil Rangers are measured. They also use elements from his arc in other evil Rangers stories. 

4. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Comic - Kimberly Hart - Ranger Slayer

The Ranger Slayer is one of the most dynamic and complex evil Rangers we have ever seen. This is an older version of Kimberly who lost everything, the power did not protect her. The world is being run by Lord Drakkon and when Matt dies it pushes her to confront Drakkon head on without powers and is then turned into his puppet. She has to work for the person she despises the most. She is eventually freed and fights with the Rangers against Drakkon but not before shooting the Prime Universe Tommy with a piece of the Chaos Crystal to ensure he will survive Drakkon's attack and be able to defeat him. Now she is off in a universe Beyond The Grid where she is leading her team of Rangers.

3. Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue - Titanium Ranger

Ryan wasn't evil because of a spell, he was raised in a hell dimension by a demon who

2. Power Rangers Wild Force - Merrick Balitou - Zen Aku / Lunar Wolf Ranger

Merrick has long been my favorite evil Ranger because he chose it. Merrick was trying to save the world and destroy Master Org centuries ago, to do so he had to use the Wolf Mask and become Zen Aku, after defeating Master Org he tried to take off the mask but wasn't able to do so the Ancient Warriors entombed him. When he was released he had no memories of who he was but the Rangers eventually figured it out and freed him, but Merrick felt guilt and shame for what he did. He eventually joined the Rangers but even after they defeated Master Org Merrick's journey of redemption wasn't over and he still had Zen Aku with him. He comes in the second spot because he still wrestled with the evil within even as the series ended.

1. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Comic - Tommy Oliver - Lord Drakkon

Tommy was put under a spell and turned into the Evil Green Ranger by Rita, the spell is broken by the Rangers. Sounds familiar? That is all this version of Tommy has in common with the one we know. This Tommy didn't join the team he roamed on his own avoiding them until Rita convinced him to join her and rule as Lord Drakkon. Lord Drakkon went on to destroy the Rangers and gain more powers by taking Morphers. He also killed different versions of himself because they represented a hope and light that he did not possess himself. Even in his defeat and facing the total destruction of himself and the world he created Drakkon refused and turned from the Rangers.

Agree with my list? Disagree with it? Keep that conversation going and share yours in the comments below, or on our Discord!

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All images are courtesy of Power Rangers

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