
Friday, November 30, 2018

Kickstart the Week(end) with THE GOOD FIGHT: A Peaceful Stand Against Bigotry and Racism

By: Nicole D’Andria

An important anthology collecting more than 40 stories, THE GOOD FIGHT has an all-star roster of comics creators taking a stand against hatred, bigotry and racism. Be a part of this peaceful stand that includes the likes of Mark Waid (Daredevil, Captain America), JH Williams III (Promethea, Batwoman) and Greg Pak (Planet Hulk, John Wick). I interviewed the founding editor and a couple of the creators in this latest “Kickstart the Week” feature.

THE GOOD FIGHT collects over 200 pages of original material that cover a ton of genres. Since the Kickstarter doesn’t allow funds raised to be donated to charity, all the post-campaign money from sales of THE GOOD FIGHT will be donated to The Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization "dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the SPLC works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality."

The Kickstarter is on its way to reaching double its initial $15,000 goal. You can still be a part of it until the campaign ends on December 12, 2018 at 11:57 AM EST. Rewards include digital ($10) and physical ($25 + shipping) copies, plus options for an additional digital bundle of over 700 pages of comics ($40) or a signed NYCC TGF preview ashcan ($40). You can see the rest of the rewards and a complete list of the creators contributing their talents to the anthology on their official Kickstarter page.

I spoke with founding editor Adam Ferris and two of the creators featured in The Good Fight, Chris Antzoulis and Ian Mondrick (Tomb of the White Horse, Curio: The Anti-Thematic Anthology), below!

Adam Ferris

Me: What is your specific role in the project and how did you initially become involved?

-Adam Ferris: Founding Editor
-Danny Lore: Story Editor
-Michael Perlman: Project Manager
-Eric Palicki: Kickstarter Campaign Manager

Ferris: We all became involved through networking within the comic book industry for years. We either knew each other or were introduced by a peer. It’s remarkable how we so easily came together and how well we filled the needs of a good editorial team. Maybe we are the real Fantastic Four?

Me: The Kickstarter mentions that this anthology is in reaction to the events in Charlottesville, Virginia. Why did this particular event strike a chord with you and evolve into this anthology?

Ferris: That was a moment when everyone knew the ugly was out in the open. That was the moment when we knew if we didn’t take a stand against it in protest that it would be allowed to grow from there. I’ve always thought it was important to “do what you know”. I know how to make comics, so I took to comics to make my protest against hate. I knew it had to be an anthology, so instead of just me, it was ALL OF US saying NO!

"Boys Night Out" from The Good Fight by Adam Ferris and Mark Rahner

Me: There is a digital reward bundle including over 700 pages of digital comics. What can you tell us about some of the books included in this bundle and why will people who would enjoy THE GOOD FIGHT in particular like them?

Ferris: We think backers of THE GOOD FIGHT will enjoy the Digital Deluxe Reward as it has works from TGF contributors. All of these titles have been very well received on their own and really is a great thing to get ahold of!

Orphans (Palicki, Jovanovic) - full series
Red Angel Dragnet (Palicki, Wieszczyk) - full OGN
All We Ever Wanted - three stories
GWAR: Orgasmaggedon (Miner, Sawyer) - full series
M3 - (Schultz, Alcazar) - first three issues
Twelve Devils Dancing #1 (Schultz, Acosta) - First issue
Destiny, NY #1 (Shand)

Plus more TBD.

"Heroes Never Sleep" from The Good Fight by Jeremy Whitley & Dylan Caleho

Me: You mention post-campaign funds will go to The Southern Poverty Law Center. Why did you pick this organization in particular and what are some additional ways people can help out, in addition to buying THE GOOD FIGHT?

Ferris: The SPLC is just one of many great organizations to get behind. But what was really appealing to us was the fact that they help people on a personal level. Victims of hate crimes get assistance from them, especially when it comes to seeking justice in the courts. Which is often an area where marginalized people fight an uphill battle. They also do plenty of education to the young, which is exactly our plan but through comics!

I think if you want to do your part in fighting hate, there are endless ways. One way is to donate money directly to an organization you feel strongly about. Another way would be to organize people to help you. Or you can make your own comic (or project); we really can’t have enough people standing up for what’s right.

"Rise Against the Terror" from The Good Fight by JH Williams III and Ryan Burton

Me: What is the number one reason why you think people should back this project?

Ferris: This will make you feel better, because when you back it, action happens. This will help us help the SPLC. This book will give hope to you or someone you know through its stories of resistance. We’ve so carefully crafted these stories that teachers have been backing the project to show their students!

Me: What inspirational words do you have for people aspiring to make comic book anthologies with important messages, such as fighting racism and bigotry?

Ferris: If you have a strong feeling to do a benefit anthology, you are already equipped with everything you need. Form your mission statement (a clear direction of what you stand for and what your book intends to accomplish) and ask others for help. You’ll be surprised by the amount of people that are willing to help you make a change! It will take time; it took me over a year to gather scripts and creators. But if you don’t let up, it will come together and be very much worth it.

Chris Antzoulis
Ian Mondrick

Me: What is your story about and why did you choose to go in that particular direction?

Chris Antzoulis, writer of "The Feed": Actually, my story that will be appearing in the anthology, "The Feed," was not the first story I sent in to Adam Ferris and the editors of THE GOOD FIGHT. Adam enjoyed my first script, but it didn't make the overall fit for the book. So, he asked me if I could write another. After I said "CHRIS ANTZOULIS WRITES TWO STORIES FOR NO MAN," he told me that one aspect yet to be covered in the book was a story dealing with the problem of online bullying and trolls on the internet. I too felt that this should be covered in an anthology about peacefully combatting bigotry and racism. I've had a number of friends and acquaintances, in the comic book industry especially, who have been on the receiving end of this type of bullying. I honestly had a difficult time figuring out how to best approach the issue.

Every time I moved forward with the story in a literal way, I felt like it didn't capture the full scope of the problem and ended up being too “on-the-nose.” Fortunately, my friend Heather Antos is a bomb-ass editor, and someone I trust to tell me “You’re doing it wrong.”  She offered me guidance on the topic and advised me to tell the story how I tell them best... through science fiction and fantasy. All that being said, my story is about wanting to see your own reflection in the world, how meaningful it is to be represented, and how the constant bombardment of bigotry takes its toll.

"The Feed" from The Good Fight by Chris Antzoulis and Lydia Roberts

Ian Mondrick, writer of "Statues of Limitation": "Statues of Limitation" reveals an argument between four confederate statues, placed in a Baltimore warehouse shortly after their removal. Justice Roger B. Taney and Stonewall Jackson debate Robert E. Lee on what has become of the ‘true’ south. As their arguments fade away in the distance we hear the notes of Billie Holiday, singing for Thurgood Marshall and Frederick Douglas, all three now enjoying the quiet city night. I felt the best way to speak about society's journey away from racism was to mix historical artifacts and arguments with positive examples of our march forward. So, the juxtaposition of a Stonewall Jackson statue being removed while the first African American Supreme Court Justice stands tall over the city seemed fitting.

"Statues of Limitation" from The Good Fight by Ian Mondrick and Skylar Patridge

Me: What is the number one reason why you think people should back this project?

Chris Antzoulis: Because it's a meaningful thing you can do with your money! Just hold off on ordering one pizza, or four pumpkin spice lattes. Steal your friend's Netflix account instead of paying for your own. Too many people nowadays are all talk and no action. It's not enough to simply believe in good things, you also have to rise to the challenge of upholding those beliefs as well. This is just one way to do that... and hey, you get to read a book while you're at it.

Ian Mondrick: First, I think backing this book is a great way to give money to a GREAT cause (the SPLC has been fighting bigotry in a REAL way, and needs help!) while getting something you can enjoy for yourself. But more than that, I think this book will help people see racism and bigotry from different angles: the stories in this book aren't just "Racism Bad," they're knowledgeable, historical, and sometimes anecdotal accounts on how racism & bigotry influence us all. 

Cannonball from The Good Fight by Jarret Keene and Leonardo Finocchi

Me: Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, and for your peaceful stand against bigotry and racism! If you’re reading this, please consider checking out The Good Fight Kickstarter.

Do you have a Kickstarter? Want to be interviewed about it and have the project featured on "Kickstart the Week?" Let me know in the comments below or message me on my website.

Other “Kickstart the Week” features:

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