
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Dear Jay 2 - DC VS Marvel The Legendary Battle!

Dear Jay 2 - DC VS Marvel The Legendary Battle!

I always talk about my weird brain, and how I remember things no one else would. I am also not shy about giving my opinion on any subject, just watch Frontline LIVE! I also do my own monthly LIVE show Q & Jay which is a "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) that is also a discussion. I am shocked that the show is so popular and people keep asking me to do it more than once a month, so thanks to that, Allen's suggestion and Chris' shove I will now be doing "Ask Jay". Where you can go to our Discord (preferred method), or PM me on Social Media and ask me about something you're not sure of, some advice or anything you have on your mind. This time we have DC Vs Marvel, The Legendary Battle & More!

Dear Jay,

What is your favorite DCTV show and Marvel TV show to date?

Legendstorm TV (Via Discord)

Dear Legendstorm TV,

My favorite DCTV show is Supergirl. The show continues to excel and grow. I love the characters and the actors do a phenomenal job. But I will say right now all of the shows have stepped up their games. The Flash had a rough start this season but quickly recovered, Arrow is the best it has been since maybe season 2, Legends is by far the most improved show since its Season 1. Black Lightning is really good but there are some things that need tweaking. Gotham is ok, when you disconnect it from Batman. I also really like iZombie, and Lucifer as shows, even though they are Vertigo, but it is still under the DC label.

As for Marvel that is harder because Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has the most episodes and there for has the most overall content to judge it on. Runaways had a great start but then felt like it stalled or stretched it out too much. So I would say those two are a tie, but if this was last season Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. all the way! But I am enjoying The Gifted as well, and to a lesser degree Legion. As for the Netflix shows, to which I don't consider them as Marvel TV Shows since they are on Netflix and released all at once, Jessica Jones is my #1. After Jessica Jones I rank them as Iron Fist for 2nd, the the rest are equally placed as I am not ranking by seasons. But just as a side note we need more Colleen Wing!!!!!


Dear Jay,

Do you think that the DC movies will ever catch up with Marvel movies in terms of quality?

Rabbitearsblog (Via Discord)

Dear RabbitEarsBlog,

I honestly think that is their problem. DC is trying to play catch up to Marvel in the movies. Marvel earned their spot, they paid their dues for 10 years delivering some great movies (and some not so great) and built this shared cinematic universe. DC or shall we say Warner Bros. were late comers. They had other franchises at the time that they prioritized like Harry Potter and now that they need that franchise to fuel their box office success they turned to their old friends at DC, but they went about it all wrong. The DC movies didn't have the vision that Marvel did going in. Marvel had a very clear vision where they were building to the Avengers, they knew their line up, they knew their focal points and they had someone there guiding it all. DC on the other hand just wanted the success so they revved up the old motorcycle and jumped the shark, but a Fonzie, they are not. I think they need to pull their schedule, start all over. 

Do a Superman movie, new cast new story (not an origin) have him already being in Metropolis and take it from there, sort of see it as a sequel movie without the previous movie. Brainiac is attacking, use this to introduce the Green Lantern Corps and Wonder Woman in 2 post-movie scenes. At the end we find out that on his way to Earth Brainiac took out Abin Sur and the new Lantern Hal Jordan finds him. In a second scene have Steve Trevor's fighter jet crash on Themyscira after going down in an air fight during the Brainiac attack.

Then I would do those two movies with the first focusing on Hal training as a GL and the revelation that Sinestro is betraying the GLC. Wonder Woman, returns Trevor to Man's World and fights ares ala the animated movie. Each one of those will set up another movie, GL will set up the Flash as we see Barry Allen processing the scene of the disappearance of Hal Jordan who was in Central City testing a plane when he disappeared. For Wonder Woman I would set up Aquaman by having the Amazon ships returning to Themyscira as we see Aquaman standing on a rock in the ocean with the lighthouse behind him. 

The Flash would focus on Barry becoming the Flash and facing Eobard Thawne, as much as I don't want them to use him right out the door, I think they need to. Aquaman would explore the return of the true king Orin, and the battle for the throne against his brother Orm, and this will mainly be a civil war but will get the attention of the rest of the war as Aquaman makes his debut saving the surface world from his brother's attack. Each of these movies will focus on two different people. One will show a mysterious man looking at pics and stuff on an evidence board type set up. The other will focus on a computer watching big moments from each movie noticing one person there at each one. We will pan out to see that we are in the Batcave and it is Batman watching all these scenes.

This will all end in year 3 or beginning of year 4 with the Justice League movie. In that we will find out that Batman has been keeping an eye on the metahumans popping up and notices that someone else has been doing it as well, the mysterious man from the end of the Flash movie, who is discovered to Detective John Jones. Batman finds Detective Jones as he is watching a building in Gotham. We find out that the people in the building are shapshifting White Martians who came to conquer Earth just as they did Mars, and that John Jones is actually Martian Manhunter. During Batman confronting Martian Manhunter the White Martians spot them and a huge battle which gains the attention of the other heroes as they each arrive. Or they could use this as a way to use Starro and either way we can tie in something with Intergang which will tease a Darkseid connection and possible threat for the sequel. 


Dear Jay,

I know you are the biggest Power Rangers fan I have ever seen and I consider myself a huge fan but you eclipse me. There is always the debate on how Jason returned in Forever Red, Adam returned in Once A Ranger, and how all the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers appeared in the Legendary Battle including both the Green and White Rangers. Also how did any of them use the powers that were destroyed like Zeo, and Turbo? What can you give us as an answer using the powers of #ContinuityJay's weird brain?

The Coinless. (Via Twitter DM)

Dear The Coinless,

I have a theory on this as you may have guessed LOL. I do love using continuity to make things like these make sense. The easiest is Jason, Zack & Trini, we last saw "them" in The Power Transfer where they were morphed and using the Sword of Light to transfer their powers to Rocky, Adam & Aisha. In this scene the original 3 were already morphed while the new trio were in civilian clothes, after the transfer the originals remained in uniform and their replacements were also morphed now. This lead many fans to believe that the Sword of Light didn't just duplicate their powers, so the Mastodon, Saber Tooth Tiger and Tyrannosaurus coins are still all good. As for Triceratops, Pterodactyl, and White Tiger, those along with the cloned Mastodon, Saber Tooth Tiger and Tyrannosaurus coins should have been like Adam's in Always A Chance. So my theory that between that episode and Once A Ranger the coins were repaired, maybe by Ninjor himself. Then there is the Zordon Purification Wave theory, in which he not only destroyed all the evil, but repaired all the good, so in essence he repaired the broken morphers. The White and Green Ranger both appearing, is actually the easiest. Take one of my above reasons for the Power Coins being repaired and you have Tommy using the White Tiger Power Coin and Tom, the clone using the Green Ranger coin since he still had it with him when he left.

As for Zeo, the Zeo powers were never destroyed. The Turbo Powers were never destroyed either, just the Power Chamber was we seen that in True Blue To The Rescue with Justin Morphing into action. I hope those answers helped you out!


Dear Jay,

I want to purchase a brand new set of computer gadgets but I don't now what combination of cellphone, tablet, laptop and home computer I should get.  Please keep in mind that I read a lot of digital comics & use social media frequently. 

What do you find is the best combination of gadgets for you?

Best Regards,
Inspecting Gadgets (Via Twitter DM)

Dear Inspecting Gadgets,

This is something that is very complicated. First you would have to ask: Am I a PC or am I a Mac? And of course the only non evil answer is I am a PC. Then it will go to function and service. You didn't mention gaming, so I will say ignore the gaming PCs. You did however mention digital comics, so I would say something that serves a function that can accommodate those needs. If you are looking for something in a desktop, I say a larger screen and something with high RAM and memory. I personally prefer Dell, I have had my desktop and laptop from Dell for over a decade and only replaced them because of new higher speeds for Internet, they weren't made to really handle them back then. For a Laptop, they have the Laptops now that have the screen that flipback into a tablet like mode, those would be very handy for a digital comic reader who may want to use their laptop for comics and for other stuff, and again I recommend high RAM and memory. I also recommend Dell for Laptops as well. For Tablets I have a nice large screen one, because if I wanted something the size of a phone, I'd use my phone. The larger tablets with keyboards work best for comics as you can flip them and hold them like a book or disconnect from the keyboard and use it that way. The screen for mine is slightly larger than a standard comic book so it is perfect for a digital reader, and mine is an RCA Tablet. All three of them work great with Social Media and the Tablet with a keyboard makes it all the easier, you get to type on actual keys instead of the touch screen. Please keep me updated on your search!


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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for answering my question Jay! That's a great concept for how the DC movie universe should go!
