
Monday, March 19, 2018

Top Panels of the Week - 3/14/18

Comic Frontline is starting a new segment where the crew picks their Top 5 comic panels from the week, and then you guys get to vote below which panel was your favorite. In next week's post I will announce the winner from the poll.

Fan Panel Pick From Last Week - Strangers In Paradise XXV #2 - Rachel Rising Meets Strangers In Paradise


5. Mister Miracle #7 - First Name Big, Last Name Barda

This whole issue showcased King and Gerads' wonderful balance of mundane married life with the world of Gods. This scene highlights this well!

4. All-New Wolverine #32 - Killing Nazis and Terrible Hawaiian Shirts

Tom Taylor perfectly balances humor and intensity as he reaches closer to the conclusion of his run. 

3. Detective Comics #976 - I’m Not Good

A really interesting character study for Cassandra. She doesn't see herself as a good person because of her past, and hasn't been able to fully forgive herself. Cassandra Cain is such an underrated character, I can't stand it!

2. Detective Comics #976 - Batgirl Was Right

And remember that Batman!

1. Vampironica #1 - Vampire Veronica

I love the coloring here, with its rich mix of red and blue. It makes for an eye popping scene. I can't wait to see more bad ass Vampironica!


5. Peter Parker: Spectacular Spider-Man #301 - I AM His Sister... Maybe...  

Just the revelation that once again Parker might actually have a sister is pretty cool. The highlight of an otherwise lackluster issue.

4. Infidel #1 - Stop Hogging the Covers! 

Man, this scene is just high on the creep factor! And beautifully illustrated as well.

3. Sideways #2 - DC's Own Venom?

We haven't seen exactly what this is, but it sure looks like a symbiote to me!

2. All-New Wolverine #32 - These Boots Are Made for Stomping

Laura and Amber looking like the kid versions of themselves stomping the crap out of the neo Nazi man responsible for destroying both their childhoods. Justice!

1. Vampironica #1 - Vampire Veronica  

This is just a cool looking scene and makes Veronica look bad-A.


5. All-New Wolverine #32 - These Boots Are Made for Stomping

Dos boots!

4. Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #301 - Go Easy On Pete

Did JJJ really just do that?

3. Detective Comics #976 - Nobody Dies Today!

The New Colony Leader.

2.  Sea of Thieves #1 - We Are Going To Die!

We gonna die!

1.  Avengers #684 - The Hulk Returns!

Hulk smash...really hard.


5. Weapon X #15 - Dayfight Savings Time!

It is Wolverine/Old Man Logan's birthday, so that means it is time for Sabretooth to give him a beating. The reat of the team are out when Yuriko remembers what day it is and Domino thinks she means it's time to set your clocks back. This is a funny scene because when it is that time of the year we all talk about it, but clocks go back in fall so is this set in the past or the future?

4. Astonishing X-Men #9 - Walk It Off!

Logan stabs X to get Proteus out of his head, thinking he has the same abilities that Fatomex has, but apparently Professor X only used him to create a new body for his mind. Yeah it isn't complicated at all. They rush him back to be treated when Old Man Logan has this great one-liner that just had me laughing because of his delivery. Classic Logan.

3. Wonder Woman #42 - Wonderball Special!

I love this! Wonder Woman asking her brother Jason to throw her reminded me of the classic Fastball Special, but with a new DC twist to it! Now all we need is for this to become a thing and give it a name!

2. Detective Comics #976 - Dark Knights....

I don't know what is more powerful, what Cassandra says about she is afraid they could kill her too, or Batman's reaction to this. This is why comics are so powerful and so unique, this is the only medium where words and images are equally as poignant.

1. Action Comics #999 - Like Father, Like Daughter!

I love this scene, hell this whole issue! Why? Because it shows what Superman does, he helps everyone and not just as Superman, but as Clark Kent. I also love that someone points out that all this time Sam Lane wanted a boy like him and instead he got a daughter like him. The reason why so many don't get along with their parents is because neither the parent nor the child can see or admit the simple fact that they are so much alike. They are so much alike that they see parts that they dislike about themselves in the other that they don't see in themselves but others do and sometimes it takes someone from the outside to show you that.


5. Marvel Two In One #4 - It's Clobberin' Time Jen!

This whole comic is great but you have to love when The Thing yells, "It's Clobbering Time!", and kicks the crap out of someone or something. This time it was Jen Walters.

4. Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #40 - One Punch

Lor Zod comes in and changes the tide of the battle and starts beating on Guy Gardner, and does it for the rest of the issue.

3. Action Comics #999 - I Can Never Be Whole Again

Having Hank Henshaw seeing his memories again was awesome the expression on his face was priceless.

2. Sideways #2 - I Wasn't A Real Mother

 You felt so bad for Derek's mom in this scene that she was so worried for her son, and explains what a mother does and sacrifices for her child. Very emotional. 

1. Avengers #684 - Grandmaster, I am Your Daughter

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect for the Voyager to be the daughter of The Grandmaster, that truly caught me by surprise. In my opinion, this series continues to be great and unpredictable with great pacing and lots of action. 

Top Panels of The Week - 3/14/18

Mister Miracle #7 - First Name Big, Last Name Barda
All-New Wolverine #32 - Killing Nazis and Terrible Hawaiian Shirts
Detective Comics #976 - I’m Not Good
Detective Comics #976 - Batgirl Was Right
Vampironica #1 - Vampire Veronica
Weapon X #15 - Dayfight Savings Time!
Astonishing X-Men #9 - Walk It Off!
Wonder Woman #42 - Wonderball Special!
Detective Comics #976 - Dark Knights....
Action Comics #999 - Like Father, Like Daughter!
Marvel Two In One #4 - It's Clobberin' Time Jen!
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #40 - One Punch
Action Comics #999 - I Can Never Be Whole Again
Sideways #2 - I Wasn't A Real Mother
Avengers #684 - Grandmaster, I am Your Daughter
Peter Parker: Spectacular Spider-Man #301 - I AM His Sister... Maybe...
Infidel #1 - Stop Hogging the Covers!
Sideways #2 - DC's Own Venom?
All-New Wolverine #32 - These Boots Are Made for Stomping
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #301 - Go Easy On Pete
Detective Comics #976 - Nobody Dies Today!
Sea of Thieves #1 - We Are Going To Die!
Avengers #684 - The Hulk Returns!
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