
Monday, March 12, 2018

Top Panels of The Week - 3/7/18

Comic Frontline is starting a new segment where the crew picks their Top 5 comic panels from the week, and then you guys get to vote below which panel was your favorite. In next week's post I will announce the winner from the poll.

Fan Panel Pick From Last Week - All New Wolverine #31 - Want Something From The Vending Machine


5. Batman #42 - Puddin'

I like that Harley is mixed into Poison Ivy's evil plot, and damn I laughed out loud when Bruce said Puddin'. 

4. Batman #42 - Nature Plays The Best Music

Another hysterical scene where the top song is literally listening to the leaves blow in the wind...that's some American Beauty type of art right there. 

3. Strangers In Paradise XXV #2 - Rachel Rising Meets Strangers In Paradise

Issue 2 did a great job at introducing Rachel Rising into Strangers in Paradise's world. I loved the observations Katchoo made of Rachel.   

2. The Amazing Spider-Man #797 - Peter Parker Is Spider-Man!

This is the Norman Osborn I've missed!

1. The Amazing Spider-Man #797 - Just Like Old Times  

Man, I miss these two together!


5.  X-Men Gold #23 - X-Men Tradition

Rogue pointing out the tradition of the X-Men taking on members that needed a second chance while standing in front of a photo with the likes of Wolverine, Storm, etc. was just perfect.

4.  The Amazing Spider-Man #797 - His Heart Wasn't In It

I was torn between this and the revelation at the end, but this was a much more surprising scene, so I had to go with it. Poor Phil.

3. X-Men Red #2 - Some Weird Stuff In There

This was one of three Gabby scenes I had, but this one was just the best one. Totally Gabby here, fearless, but at the same time qualifying what Jean might see. Too funny. The Poke scene almost beat it though.

2. She-Hulk #163 - Happy Prom!

Hellcat was classic and hilarious in this simple scene. I love her friendship with Shulkie, and I love her sense of humor in this book.

1.  The Amazing Spider-Man #797 - There and Back Again

Regardless of how this scene ended, I LOVE this panel as a Spider-Man fan. This was just a total MJ thing to say, and seeing them together again, even briefly, was worth the price of admission.


5. Batman #42 - BvS H.I.S.H.E.!


4.  Infinity Countdown #1 - Regrowth!

All-New Groot!

3. Superman #42 - Welcome To Htrae!

Me am not Bizzaro!

2. The Amazing Spider-Man #797 - Just Like Old Times

Who doesn't want this.... Oh right Joe Q!

1.  Rogue & Gambit #3 - So, That Happened....

The next X-Wedding!


5. The Amazing Spider-Man #797 - Who Runs The World?

I loved this scene. Liz Allen is on top of the world she has her high school boyfriend doing her grunt work, her ex-husband working for her and taking care of the kids, and she is running a multibillion-dollar company. So what could go wrong? We all know Norman and the Red Goblin are going to wreck her world.

4. She-Hulk #163 - You Had Me At Hello!

This moment was like a scene from Jerry MaGuire that had me smiling. I loved this issue and I loved this friendship from this run so it was great to see them staying together.

3. X-Men Gold #23 - Orange Is The New Gold!

The Gold team are in jail and man I am enjoying it so far. I loved the Orange Is The New Black Easter Egg here with Crazy Eyes being replaced with Crazy Maisie. 

2. Superman #42 - Good-Bye!

The look of absolute fear on Jon's face is priceless and is only matched by look on Bizzoroboy's face! I have been waiting for this story since it was announced and this was a great way to set this story up especially with the timing, Jon just said his prayers and this happens!

1. Superman #42 - Investigative Parenting!

I LOVED THIS SCENE!!!! I mean WOW!!!! When you are the son of Superman, that is hard but being the son of Lois Lane & Clark Kent, Dude, you're not getting away with jack! Ask Jon LOL.


5.  Injustice 2 #21 - Now! Stomp On His Testicles!

Yeah, this is a way to grab a person's attention right from the first panel!!!!

4. The Amazing Spider-Man #797 - Just Like Old Times

I have waited over 10 years for this kiss and it was a great scene however, this might be the last time we ever see these two kiss. So I cherish this moment.

3. She-Hulk #163 - What's Your Favorite Prom Scene In A Movie?

I love how Hellcat is chasing down the bad guys but having a fun time too by asking them, what's their favorite prom scene in a movie. I was dying.

2. The Amazing Spider-Man #797 - Who Run The World?

This panel shows how much Liz Allen has accomplished over the years and how she has everyone wrapped around her finger. You go girl!

1. Savage Dragon #232 - Look At Me, Mommy! I'm Spider-Man!

Hey this book was toned down this week and I enjoyed it. This scene shows how Malcolm Dragon's son wants to pretend to be Spider-Man. Love how Larsen shows the Spider-Man love here as he drew Amazing Spider-Man in his early years.

Top Panels of The Week - 3/7/18

Batman #42 - Puddin'
Batman #42 - Nature Plays The Best Music
Strangers In Paradise XXV #2 - Rachel Rising Meets Strangers In Paradise
The Amazing Spider-Man #797 - Peter Parker Is Spider-Man!
The Amazing Spider-Man #797 - Just Like Old Times
Batman #42 - BvS H.I.S.H.E.!
Infinity Countdown #1 - Regrowth!
Superman #42 - Welcome To Htrae!
Rogue & Gambit #3 - So, That Happened....
The Amazing Spider-Man #797 - Who Runs The World?
She-Hulk #163 - You Had Me At Hello!
X-Men Gold #23 - Orange Is The New Gold!
Superman #42 - Good-Bye!
Superman #42 - Investigative Parenting!
Injustice 2 #21 - Now! Stomp On His Testicles!
She-Hulk #163 - What's Your Favorite Prom Scene In A Movie?
Savage Dragon #232 - Look At Me, Mommy! I'm Spider-Man!
X-Men Gold #23 - X-Men Tradition
The Amazing Spider-Man #797 - His Heart Wasn't In It
X-Men Red #2 - Some Weird Stuff In There
She-Hulk #163 - Happy Prom!
The Amazing Spider-Man #797 - There and Back Again

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