
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Dear Jay 3: Shattered Timey Whimey Stuff!

Dear Jay 3: Shattered Timey Whimey Stuff!

I always talk about my weird brain, and how I remember things no one else would. I am also not shy about giving my opinion on any subject, just watch Frontline LIVE! I also do my own monthly LIVE show Q & Jay which is a "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) that is also a discussion. I am shocked that the show is so popular and people keep asking me to do it more than once a month, so thanks to that, Allen's suggestion and Chris' shove I will now be doing "Ask Jay". Where you can go to our Discord (preferred method), or PM me on Social Media and ask me about something you're not sure of, some advice or anything you have on your mind. This time we have Timey Whimey Stuff! Quick Cheese Steaks! Internet Speed! Shattered Grid & More!

Dear Jay,

What is your top 5 time travel shows that you have seen? Mine are Timeless Legends of Tomorrow, Sliders, Doctor Who, and Quantum Leap.

Legendstorm TV (Via Discord)

Dear Legendstorm TV,

Hmmmm my Top 5
5.) Tru Calling (Yes this is time traveling)
4.) Doctor Who
3.) Power Rangers HyperForce
2.) Legends of Tomorrow
1.) Quantum Leap


Dear Jay,

Being that Liberty Belle was from Philly, do you think she is a fan of cheese steak? Do you think her daughter Jesse Quick prefers Pat's or Gino's?

JLS Comics (Via Discord)

Dear JLS Comics,

Of course she is! But now she is older she has to watch her weight and cholesterol so she doesn't really eat them anymore. Jesse Quick is a true native Philadelphian and knows that those two are tourist hype spots so she prefers the neighborhood shops. They also know that you get real cheese not Cheese Whiz on it.


Dear Jay,

I usually have problems with my internet connection when it comes to trying to do live shows on YouTube, which is probably why I have so much trouble trying to do live shows with other Youtube users (especially with you guys :sweat_smile: ).  I have an internet connection where we use a router to connect to the internet, so in a way, a wireless internet.

Is there a way where I could improve my connection so that way, I could do more live videos with other YouTubers without being cut off or having my end of the line going in and out?

Rabbitearsblog (Via Discord)

Dear Rabbitearsblog,

I would see what type of internet connection you have and see how fast it is by doing a speedtest. Then I would maybe get better speed if it is low by speaking to your internet provider. Also it depends on your computer what version of Windows are you on? I know from personal experience that the older computers don't really have it in them to fully operate with the new higher speed internet speeds. An easier solution can be to buy an Ethernet wire and hook up your computer to your router making a stronger connection. 

Your problems could also be from other sources like too many applications running in which case you can close them. There could also be too many tabs open up, to which you could close them as well. Another problem could be your location, some part of houses have bad receptions and sometimes things like microwaves and phone could have interfering frequencies.


Dear Jay,

I moved a few years ago and unfortunately a lot of my graphic novels were lost in the move.  I've yet to fully restore my collection.

I'm pretty openminded when it comes to comics.  Give me some ideas.  If you were in the same predicament what 3 graphic novels would you start a new collection with?

Thanks in advance,
Craving A New Collection (Via Discord)

Dear Craving A New Collection,

I would recommend Marvels, Kingdom Come, and Watchmen. I would also recommend as a side Supergirl: Many Happy Returns.


Dear Jay,

The CW TV shows got renewed what new seasons are you looking forward to the most and what are your theories for the upcoming CW seasons you watch. 

Arrowverse Fan (Via Discord)

Dear Arrowverse Fan,

I am extremely happy and not at all surprised by the renewals. I am always looking forward to Supergirl, so that is my #1 followed by The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, and then Arrow. I save my theories until the season finale airs so I can see where they ended things. I will say I would love to see more Superman on Supergirl. Be sure to look out for our Media Madness Vidcast episode that we do every year after all the finales where we discuss every show and share our thoughts and predictions what we have for the upcoming seasons.


Dear Jay,

WOW I just read Go, Go Power Rangers #8 and seen the Ranger Slayer! OMG what did Lord Drakkon do to Kimberly? What are your theories! What can you tell me about her? 

Slayed Ranger (Via Twitter DM)

Dear Slayed Ranger,

I know! The comics are awesome! As for what happened? I think it could be tied to her Bow of Darkness, just as Tommy was once under Rita's spell through the Sword of Darkness, or they could go darker and have something have happened that made Kimberly turn on her own. As for more info on her, check out my on WonderCon Coverage where we got some news about her.


Dear Jay,

WHAT THE FUCK!!!! I thought you were seriously over hyping Shattered Grid, and maybe BOOM! or Saban paid you to hype it up, but WHAT THE FUCK! This shit is insane! I just read Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25 and my mind is shattered, Lord Drakkon killed Tommy! What does this mean for the future? What are your thoughts?

Shattered Mind (Via Twitter DM)

Dear Shattered Mind,

I warned you! No I have no deal or job with BOOM! Studios or Saban Brands, I am just a huge Power Rangers fan and I wanted to give other fans a heads up so they didn't miss out on it. As for my thoughts, I think Tommy's death could be what shatters the grid. Tommy is the longest tenured Ranger and was responsible for big things like helping to select Jason, Zack and Trini's replacements, resuing Kat, getting the Zeo Crystal and splitting it into shards, helping to select the new Turbo Rangers, setting up a network of Rangers for Forever Red, and finding the Dino Gems. I am looking forward to seeing how this plays out and I think Tom (Tommy's clone) could play a role in it. Stay tuned to Comic Frontline for more Shattered Grid coverage!


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