
Monday, April 9, 2018

Kickstart the Week with Detached: Into the Comasphere

By: Nicole D’Andria

Find out what happens in a coma to a father in this “Kickstart the Week” showcasing Detached! Get in-depth information about the first issue in an interview with writer Adrian Terga.

Detached is about a father who falls comatose on his deceased wife’s birthday because of a traumatic brain injury he can’t remember. He explores the comasphere, a place where your mind is awake but not under your control. Inside the comasphere, he meets a shapeless entity who tells him the importance of memories and how he can return home to his daughter.

This Kickstarter is for the first 24 page issue. This is writer Adrian Terga’s first Kickstarter project. His creative team includes artist Emily Schnall ( and letterer Nikki Powers (Prometheus #1).

The goal of the project is to reach $3,200 by April 27, 2018 at 10:51 AM EDT. The reward tiers include digital ($5) and physical ($12) copies of the book, which you can also get signed by Terga ($18), plus a sticker of the cover art and a cardstock print ($25). You can see more of the rewards on the official Kickstarter page.

I spoke with writer Adrian Terga about Detached in detail. Take a step into the comasphere!

Adrian Terga

Me: How would you describe the father in Detached and his relationship with his daughter?

Terga: Nathan is a widowed father struggling to come to terms with reality while raising his daughter, Addy. That kid may be my favorite character. She represents many of the same emotions her father feels but she expresses them without a filter. You know, as kids typically do. Their relationship is typical in the father-daughter kind of way, but it’s the value of their relationship away from each other that propels this story forward. These characters really need one another and they are given a dose of reality through alternate ones.

Me: You start the book with a quote from Carl G. Jung. Where did you first see this quote and what is its significance here?

Terga: The Father of Consciousness. When I conceived of this idea a little over a year ago, I did a deep dive of internet research on comas, some brain anatomy, and the conscious mind vs. the unconscious mind. It was no surprise that Carl Jung had his finger on concepts like mine way before me. I had to pay tribute to a man responsible for mapping out the possibilities I allude to and that quote felt perfect: “One doesn’t not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” That quote opens the book to reflect that being aware of what you don’t know means you are ready to know; that a coma can be navigated in the dark.

Detached Page 1

Me: Besides what you've already mentioned, what was some of the most fascinating research you found during your deep Internet dive and how did this influence Detached?

Terga: There is a YouTube docuseries called Broken: Living With a Brain Injury that shows a lot about the varying circumstances that come with brain injuries. I looked at many sources, but that one is a great one to check out for anyone that is interested in the topic. 

Me: What is the comasphere and what was the inspirational behind it?

Terga: Before the deep dive of internet research on comas and all of that, I came across a video that sparked this idea: it was a girl recounting what she experienced in a medically induced coma. She could remember things. For example, she remembers walking through snow and later found out that the room she was in was very cold. The weird little connections her mind was making blew me away. And the fact that comas aren’t visual made me want to make them so.

The comasphere is the place where your mind is out of your control. Memories fall apart and controlling your feelings will make the experience manageable; the more erratic a person is, the worse the comasphere becomes.

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Me: How did you find illustrator/colorist Emily Schnall and letterer Nikki Powers and determine they were the perfect fit for Detached?

Terga: Luck. Sheer luck. I searched for a few months to find a group that understood and could interpret the material in a way that made them excited to work on this. Emily’s work on this is gorgeous. If you like books like Harrow County, this book is up your alley. Her distinct style felt fresh and lent itself perfectly to my story. And everyone needs a Nikki Powers on their team, someone who has experience and knows what needs to be done. She worked with me and set the tone adjacent to the art on the page. Both are very qualified.

Me: What is the number one reason people should pledge money to your Kickstarter?

Terga: Awareness. I support comics any way I can to show that they are books, that they are as impactful as a novel. Comics are my preferred reading material. And as a teacher, I tell my students to read the hell out of them.

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Me: What inspirational words do you have for aspiring comic book writers?

Terga: Start something decent. If you work at it, you might get lucky and make something good, or even great. But you need to start it to even get that chance.

Me: Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, Adrian! If you’re reading this and interested in taking a closer look at the comasphere, check out the Detached Kickstarter here.

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Do you have a Kickstarter? Want to be interviewed about it and have the project featured on "Kickstart the Week?" Let me know in the comments below or message me on my website.

Other “Kickstart the Week” features:

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