
Monday, April 9, 2018

Top 5 Panels of the Week - 4/4/18

Comic Frontline is starting a new segment where the crew picks their Top 5 comic panels from the week, and then you guys get to vote below which panel was your favorite. In next week's post I will announce the winner from the poll.

Fan Panel Pick From Last Week - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25 - Tommy Is Stabbed!


5. Batman White Knight #7 - I Fight For Family.

I love this conversation between Dick, Barbara, and Batman. Bruce has always fought for his family (his parents), and here he reveals he fights for a better future for his children of the Bat Family.

4. Snotgirl #10 -  Is Snottie In Love With Coolgirl?

One of my favorite things about Snotgirl is that people's feelings and motives aren't blatantly obvious. Lottie's love for Coolgirl has been planted in the series since the beginning, but it was never completely clear if it was romantic love or admiration. In Snotgirl #10 it takes a mushroom trip to reveal that Lottie has romantic feelings for Coolgirl. It doesn't seem like she's completely comfortable with these feelings she has for Coolgirl, and hasn't fully accepted her sexuality. We will see if this plays a bigger part in the narrative moving forward.

3. Runaways #8 - Molly Fangirls Over Julie!

I had a feeling Molly was going to be a big Power Pack fan after seeing that poster in Runaways #4, and this issue didn't disappoint. It also looks like their interaction will have a lasting impression with Molly for her Best Friend Forever arc.

2. Snotgirl #10 -  I’m So Small Compared To The Stars.

Such a small, beautiful scene that really encompasses the larger themes of Snotgirl. Lottie is a social media mogul who thinks so much about herself and her brand that she makes having allergies feel like life or death. She then looks at the stars, and thinks - damn it, maybe I'm not that important in the grand scheme of things. Lottie essentially has a high, existential crisis.       

1. Runaways #8 - You Can Be Both....

I love Julie in this issue so much! She's a fish out of water trying to adjust to the Runaways' team dynamic. Karolina just cares she has her family back. She doesn't want to define them as superheroes, but Julie (coming from a family of superheroes) tells her she can have both.


5. Curse Of Brimstone #1 - Won't You Be My Neighbor?

This scene sums up this issue, it is about the small town but it also is something I think we need more of in today's world, be neighborly. Whatever happened to that? Helping a neighbor, not because you have to, but because you want to, because it is the right thing to do.

4. Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #6 - Awe Inspiring!

I loved this scene! This is the exhibit that inspired Brian Michael Bendis to leave Marvel, go to DC and write Superman. I am still nervous about the move, but man you have to love how inspiring Superman is, we need more inspirations today, and it is great to know that the Man Of Steel inspires heroes and writers in and out of comics alike!

3. Runaways #8 - Mirror Universe?!

This is awesome! Runaways and Star Trek have a Mind Meld! Kat take that! Even your precious Runaways gives Star Trek love! You Will Be Assimilated! Resistance Is Futile!

2. The Amazing Spider-Man #798 - He Puts The MAN in Spider-Man!

These are the moments I eat up, and I don't care that they are cliches or tropes that are designed to get me, they get me. I love when the chips are down and the hero appears defeat but he says that thing that gives you hope to know that it will all be okay and that the good guy will win! This is the definition of Spider-Man, I defy someone to read this and say Dan Slott doesn't get Spider-Man! I DARE YOU!!!!

1. Batman: White Knight #7 - Last Words....

This such a powerful scene, and until you been there and lost that person, you will never truly get the power behind this panel. I lost my dad and reading this was like a gut punch, it reminded me of him and how much I treasure every moment I was blessed to have with him. This is the power of words people.


5.  X-Men Gold #25 - It's Kitty's Wedding!

Colossus saying that he is planning a wedding. yeah right we know who is planning that one bud.

4. All New Wolverine #33 - President Kamala Khan.

Kamala Khan as president is great. Seeing all the heroes in this issue in the future was wonderful  but I love how Tom Taylor has mad respect for Kamala, and a woman in the oval office not so far off in the future.

3.  Injustice 2 #23 - You Had A Nuke Arrow Near Our Child!

Hey a nuke arrow  is a a normal weapon to keep around the house as long as it's kept on the top shelf away from the kids.

2. Marvel Two-in-One #5 - Fantastic Four Forever!

We have waited a long time for this moment even though they were from different universes it was a great moment. 

1.  Venom #164 - I Get No Respect Around Here....

I love this panel! Shocker is one of the first Spider-Man villains I clearly remember. I first saw him in Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends. I love his powers. However he never gets respect and this issue I was crying laughing cause he was dogged this entire issue.

Top Panels of the Week - 4/4/18

Batman White Knight #7 - I Fight For Family
Snotgirl #10 - Is Snottie In Love With Coolgirl?
Runaways #8 - Molly Fangirls Over Julie
Snotgirl #10 - I’m So Small Compared to the Stars
Runaways #8 - You Can Be Bot
Curse Of Brimstone #1 - Won't You Be My Neighbor?
Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #6 - Awe Inspiring!
Runaways #8 - Mirror Universe?!
The Amazing Spider-Man #798 - He Puts The MAN in Spider-Man!
Batman: White Knight #7 - Last Words....
X-Men Gold #25 - It's Kitty's Wedding!
All New Wolverine #33 - President Kamala Khan
Injustice 2 #23 - You Had A Nuke Arrow Near Our Child!
Marvel Two-in-One #5 - Fantastic Four Forever
Venom #164 - I Get No Respect Around Here
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1 comment:

  1. I wish I had been able to do my panels this week, I would have picked a few not represented here. There were a couple I might have chosen in the mix, though. The Spider-Man (Man in Spider-Man) one and the Kamala Khan one.
