
Monday, June 11, 2018

Top 5 Panels of the Week - 6/6/18

Comic Frontline is starting a new segment where the crew picks their Top 5 comic panels from the week, and then you guys get to vote below which panel was your favorite. In next week's post I will announce the winner from the poll.

Fan Panel Pick From Last Week - The Amazing Spider-Man #800 - Flash Thompson is my Hero!


5. Wonder Woman Annual #2 - Star Sapphire Wonder Woman

As a fan of Blackest Night, I thought this was a gorgeous splash page. It was cool seeing Wonder Woman as a Star Sapphire again.

4. Paper Girls #21 - Erin Will Always Be the New Kid

I love how excited Erin was to not be the new kid anymore, but come on Erin you'll always be the new kid.

3. X-Men Gold #29 - Kitty Breaks Down

This was such a heartbreaking panel! David Marquez aces the emotions here.

2. Paper Girls #21 - Not The Babysitters Club

Mac is ashamed of the book she's reading because it's not the series all the other girls in her class are picking up. She uses stories to escape the realities of her own life.      

1. Go Go Power Rangers #10 - Weren’t Secret Lives Fun

I love Bulk and Kim's new dynamic with each other. These flashbacks/ flash forwards give us a glimpse of a future Kimberly the audience is use to seeing. What made her turn evil? Is she really evil?


Honorary Mention

I had already picked a panel from Batman #48, but it was hard choosing between them, and there were others I wanted to showcase. Joker taking himself hostage here, though, is worth a mention as it perfectly illustrates how insane he is.

5. Deadpool #1 - Nope, Just Me.

Star-Lord is talking to Tony Stark, who claims he's all alone while the rest of the Avengers laugh in the background. Sure, it's a Deadpool book, so there will be jokes, but this totally seems like something Stark would do too. Funny stuff.

4.  Justice League #1 - Everyone Has a Batman Voice

One of the best parts of this issue was everyone doing their Batman voices, much to Batman's chagrin. Diana's here is classic. So good!

3. Paper Girls #21 - Cure for Cancer

I considered not including this one because it's a major spoiler for the issue, but it was a powerful scene as Mac discovers there's a way to alter her future after all.

2. Batman #48 - Am I Your Best Man?

As illustrated above with my honorary pick, Joker is crazy. He just killed a church full of people, shot Batman in the head, and has taken himself hostage. So what's his next move? Ask Batman if he's his Best Man of course... before trying to blow up the Caped Crusader, naturally.

1. Justice League #1 - Legion of Doom!

As a fan of Super Friends, growing up watching the Justice League face off against their deadliest of foes, it was a thrill for me to see the return of the Legion of Doom in all their might and splendor here. This was as classic as the returning lineup of the Justice League. Can't wait to see where this goes!


5. Justice League #1 - Hall Of Justice!

Just seeing this brings me back. This gives me security. This is so small, so simple, yet it tells me this is going to be so epic.

4. The Immortal Hulk #1 - If You Let The Power Loose?

"Is he man or monster or.... is he both?" That is what the cover of The Incredible Hulk #1 posed to the reader and this issue has us wondering that question now. This panel is the perfect reason why we are asking that, look at his eyes! We have this weird eerie feeling to it, and finally that ominous "Lonely Man" theme song fits the book once again.

3. Batman #48 - NANANANA BATMAN!

LOVE THIS! This issue was amazing, but it was this part that had me grinning more than the Joker. The Batman '66 theme song just holds a special place in my heart and to see it referenced here is terrifyingly awesome.

2. The Man Of Steel #2 - Time Marches On....

This was a great panel! The story here tells so much, we see the history of Perry White, The Daily Planet, technology, the newspaper industry, and Perry at the Daily Planet as well. This scene is just WOW. Again this issue reassures me that Bendis can be trusted with my favorite character of all time, and this panel is a large reason why.

1. Saban's GO, GO, Power Rangers #10 - Just This Once....

This scene is just perfection! Zordon is this huge bigger than life all powerful inter-dimensional being who can do things no mere mortal can imagine. Jason is facing the fact that his father may die, and is turning to this higher power. See the reference here? Jason, like many people in this position is in essence praying to Zordon, this God-like being to help save his dad, bargaining with him, just like one would do to God, I love this quiet and subtle analogy here. The scene is so raw and so honest.


5. Paper Girls #21 - Tiffany 2000

Love the reason my Tiffany did not want to be called Tiffany 2000. Paper Girls always has some of the best panels.

4. Injustice 2 #27 - Guy Is A Bad Influence

I love ghost Guy Gardner influencing Hal to kick Sinestro's butt!

3. Paper Girls #21 - I Need A Smoke

Love how goods from the past are sold in the future, and Mac is really aching for a smoke.

2. Batman #48 - I Need A Hostage

Love the way Joker is written in this entire book, however this scene really stood out for me. It made me laugh out loud.

1. Justice League #1 - Legion of Doom!

Seeing the Legion of Doom just brought back childhood memories for me. The artwork is beautiful here.

Top 5 Panels of the Week - 6/6/18

Wonder Woman Annual #2 - Star Sapphire Wonder Woman
Paper Girls #21 - Erin Will Always Be the New Kid
X-Men Gold #29 - Kitty Breaks Down
Paper Girls #21 - Not The Babysitters Club
Go Go Power Rangers #10 - Weren’t Secret Lives Fun
Deadpool #1 - Nope, Just Me.
Justice League #1 - Everyone Has a Batman Voice
Paper Girls #21 - Cure for Cancer
Batman #48 - Am I Your Best Man?
Justice League #1 - Legion of Doom!
Justice League #1 - Hall Of Justice!
The Immortal Hulk #1 - If You Let The Power Loose?
The Man Of Steel #2 - Time Marches On....
Saban's GO, GO, Power Rangers #10 - Just This Once....
Paper Girls #21 - Tiffany 2000
Injustice 2 #27 - Guy Is A Bad Influence
Paper Girls #21 - I Need A Smoke
Batman #48 - I Need A Hostage
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