
Monday, July 16, 2018

Top 5 Panels of the Week - 7/11/18

 Welcome Comic Frontline's Top 5 Panels! This is where the Frontline Six unite to pick their Top 5 comic panels from the week, and then you guys get to vote below which panel was your favorite. In next week's post we will announce the winner from the poll.

Fan Panel Pick From Last Week - Batman #50 - Long Time Coming/Can't Do Anything Without You


Honorable Mention - Sideways #6 - The Day My Mother Died


What a cliffhanger! I really liked the lead up to this.

5. Ms. Marvel #32 - Only In New Jersey

This was hysterical! Not even with a punch Shocker thinks he wins because Kamala can't control her powers.

4. The Flash #50 - One Punch Flash Family

What a great way for the Flash family to return, now lets hope we can see them officially interacting with our Flashes.

3. The Amazing Spider-Man #1 - Because We’re Together

I loved this opener, I hope this a precursor for what's to come.

2. The Amazing Spider-Man #1 - Together Again

Hopefully Marvel isn't trolling us again because this was everything!

1. The Amazing Spider-Man #1 - Something’s Missing

I loved the attention to detail with this panel. Peter says something is missing and then the panel zooms into MJ's hand. THE RING IS MISSING, THE MARRIAGE IS MISSING!


5. Ms. Marvel #32 - It's a Me, Mario!

What I thought was a nod to our favorite plumbers was really a plug for an actual restaurant, so it's cool times two! It's always cool to see cameos and mentions, whether it's a pop culture reference or just due diligence using real features of the setting.

4.  The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #21 - We Lost Her

Wow, didn't see that coming, and my initial thought was, man, either they lost Mayday, or they think they did and she's still out there! Either way, it's a pretty cool revelation. And the emotion driving this scene is just brilliant.

3. The Amazing Spider-Man #1 - Something's Missing

There were a lot of little nods in this issue, but this was the most notable to me. A close shot of MJ's hand and Peter saying "something's missing" says what we as Spider-Man fans are thinking. Great panel of a great issue.

2. Red Hood and the Outlaws #24 - BLAM!

WOW! Just WOW! Did not think Jason would go there, but he sure did! Jay told us all to read this issue and I'm glad I did, because that scene just blew my mind... and Penguin's!

1.  The Flash #50 - The Kid is Back!

There's no other panel or page that stole my attention more than this one! It's been a LONG time coming, but Bart Allen, the Kid Flash is finally back in the DCU! Can't wait to see where this story goes from here now that he has returned!


Honorable Mention - Voltron: Legendary Defender Vol 3 #1 - Inspire By Being A Good Person!

I loved this scene, it also gives that message that you don't lead through fear but by inspiring. Plus I love fahterly advice scenes and this is Allura geting advice about her real father from her surrogate father.

5. Superman #1 - Hurt Him In His Wallet....

I love this scene! Lois & Clark just being a married couple. I also love that Lois knows to hurt Lex you have to go after his wallet, but honestly I really love that she is wearing the Wonder Twin Jayna shirt!

4. Red Hood And The Outlaws #24 - For A Nobody....

Jason has nothing to lose, he knows the truth about his father and he is going to avenge him by taking out the man responsible so he reveals his identity to Penguin who laughs because he also outed Batman and the Bat-Family's identity by association.

3. The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #21 - We Lost Her....

Since the mini, everyone assumed that Annie May was the child Peter and M.J. had in the Clone Saga, but she isn't. We now know that the separation of the story is at a later point, Peter & M.J. believe they have lost their first born and Annie May is their second child. I loved the emotional scene here with M.J. talking about losing her child, such a powerful moment. I hope we get s whole issue devoted to this, and could "Mayday" exist in this universe?

2. Red Hood And The Outlaws #24 - BLAM!!!!

Jason done something no one in the Bat-Family would do, he shot someone, and he did it at point blank range! If you're not reading this book, jump in now and read it, it is AWESOME!!!!!

1. The Flash #50 - The Kid Is Back!!!!

BART IS BACK!!!! But I have questions. Where was he? When is he from? Why is he in his Impulse costume? If Bart is Impulse again, what who will Irey be? Why does Bart look so young again? The last one is my biggest question, Bart should be like 16 and here he looks 12-13 at the most, I hope they don't regress him, but man like Barry I have hope (I also said he would return a few years ago).


3. Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #48 - Muscle Lanterns

As serious as this issue is Robert Vendetti find some way to add humor in this panel by having Hector Hammond making the Corps members muscle Bros.

2. X-23 #1 - Pistachio Head

Gabby steals the show in this first issue of X-23. I was worried at first but it looks like this series is in good hands.

1. The Amazing Spider-Man #1 - Something’s Missing

Having MJ in this issue was great enough, having them possibly get back together was even better, but showing this image of a missing wedding ring on her hand is a tease LOL. Hopefully we will get these two back together again.

Top 5 Panels of the Week - 7/11/18

Ms. Marvel #32 - Only In New Jersey
The Flash #50 - One Punch Flash Family
The Amazing Spider-Man #1 - Because We’re Together
The Amazing Spider-Man #1 - Together Again
The Amazing Spider-Man #1 - Something’s Missing
Ms. Marvel #32 - It's a Me, Mario!
The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #21 - We Lost Her
Red Hood and the Outlaws #24 - BLAM!
The Flash #50 - The Kid is Back!
Superman #1 - Hurt Him In His Wallet....
Red Hood And The Outlaws #24 - For A Nobody....
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #48 - Muscle Lanterns
X-23 #1 - Pistachio Head
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