
Monday, July 9, 2018

Top 5 Panels of the Week - 7/4/18

Comic Frontline is starting a new segment where the crew picks their Top 5 comic panels from the week, and then you guys get to vote below which panel was your favorite. In next week's post I will announce the winner from the poll.

Fan Panel Pick From Last Week - The Flash #49 - We WERE Alone....


Honorable Mention - Paper Girls #22 - It’s You!

Paper Girls does it again by delivering some of comics' best cliffhangers. I had to add this one for an honorable mention.

5. Paper Girls #22 -  I Saw Something About Us

Cliff Chiang's facial expressions are always on point!

4. Batman #50 - Can I Be Happy?

I picked my #4 and #3 for the same reason. It's Catwoman and Batman expressing their biggest fears and inner most thoughts going into their wedding.

3. Batman #50 - Am I A hero?

See #4.

2. Paper Girls #22 - Packrat 
Poor Erin and her hoarding habits that will probably save the girls' lives.

1. Go Go Power Rangers #11 - Future Kim Montage

What a beautifully crafted page by Dan Mora, and I love how Ryan Parrott allows Ranger Slayer Kimberly to let loose here.


5. Catwoman #1 - Regret

This sequence upon Selina receiving her costume back from Alfred is just priceless. You can see how heartbroken and torn she is. She's hurt - hurt she caused herself for doing what she thought was right. But she regrets it at the same time.

4.  Infinity Countdown: Champions #2 - Nova No More

Sam losing his helmet here and the ability to become Nova is heart-wrenching, especially for fans of this version of the Nova character. His hand reaching up as he's teleported away is just sad.

3. Batman #50 - Where We'll Always Be

This statement couldn't be more true of the Bat and the Cat. They have fought against and together, made love upon and nearly married atop the roofs of Gotham. This was a simple yet fitting way to define who the pair are, and how they truly are one in the same, two sides of the same coin.

2. Justice League #3 - Why Would It Work Like That?!

This was hilarious! This is something everyone has debated and wondered about concerning Wonder Woman's invisible jet, and Flash just puts it right out there. His disdain in the absurdity of how it works echoes many a fan.

1.  Batman #50 - Long Time Coming/Can't Do Anything Without You

This panel is the culmination of a statement made by Bruce and a sequence of a revelation in Alfred's heart. Bruce admits he's basically nothing without Alfred, and that touches Alfred's heart to the core causing the two to embrace. Finally appreciated and acknowledged for the fullness of his commitment to Bruce. Beautiful scene.


Honorable Mention: The Cape: Fallen # 1 - The Answer's Superman, It's Always Superman.

This was a HARD week for me with panels, so I am doing my own Kobayashi Maru. I have a lot of honorable mentions including Kat's Honorable mention, her number 4, number 3, number 1, ALL of Brant's panels this week, the panel in The Man of Steel #6 with Clark holding Jon's toy, and of course the above panel. It is always Superman. I love it when a comic reference the true importance of Superman, that he can do what he wants, but he chooses to do the right thing.

5. Saban's Go, Go Power Rangers #11 - Tyrannosaurus, Red Dragon Thunderzord Irony!

I loved this scene, and the irony / poetic aspects of it. Jason's Red Dragon Thunderzord tail is the thing that the Gravezord uses to stab the Tyrannosaurus with! The Red Dragon Thunderzord was created out of the Tyrannosaurus Zord, man I love these little continuity Easter Eggs!

4. The Man of Steel #6 - The Drawer Situation....

How do you not love Jon? I mean come on! The kid is so adorable! Bendis shows he knows these characters, especially the family dynamics of the Lane-Kents. Oh and I NEED TO KNOW WHAT IS IN THE DRAWER!!!! And Lois' drawer too!!!!

3. Batman #50 - Can't Do Anything Without You..../Long Time Coming

Father & Son. No words needed.

2. The Man of Steel #6 - There's Something Wrong With Me....

This and the next panel further proves that the Lane-Kents are safe in the hands of Bendis. He understands the family dynamic and the most important thing about Superman, the Man. He is just a regular guy at his core. Jon is feeling something most people do at one point in time or another that there has to be something wrong with them if someone doesn't want to be their friend, or thinks or feels a certain way about them. The emotion was conveyed perfectly by Fabok.

1. The Man of Steel #6 - ....Focus On What's In Here!

Like I said above, Bendis gets Superman at his core. I love this scene because he is a Dad, and this is what a Dad says. You see how he helped Jon, he inspires his son by leading by example. My father used to tell me the same thing, all I had to do was focus on what was in my heart. Bendis earned my stamp of approval with this issue!

Top 5 Panels of the Week - 7/4/18

Paper Girls #22 - I Saw Something About Us
Batman #50 - Can I Be Happy?
Batman #50 - Am I A hero?
Paper Girls #22 - Packrat
Go Go Power Rangers #11 - Future Kim Montage
Catwoman #1 - Regret
Infinity Countdown: Champions #2 - Nova No More
Batman #50 - Where We'll Always Be
Justice League #3 - Why Would It Work Like That?!
Batman #50 - Long Time Coming/Can't Do Anything Without You
Saban's Go, Go Power Rangers #11 - Tyrannosaurus, Red Dragon Thunderzord Irony!
The Man of Steel #6 - The Drawer Situation....
The Man of Steel #6 - There's Something Wrong With Me....
The Man of Steel #6 - ....Focus On What's In Here!
Created with Quiz Maker

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