
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Top 5 Panels Of The Week - 6/19/19

Welcome Comic Frontline's Top 5 Panels! This is where the Frontline Six unite to pick their Top 5 comic panels from the week, and then you guys get to vote below which panel was your favorite. In next week's post, we will announce the winner from the poll.

Fan Panel Pick From Last Week - Superman #12 - House Of El: Love And Regret...


5. The Unstoppable Wasp #9 - Losing Mothers

I love Jan as Nadia's mother figure - even if things aren't looking so bright with this cliffhanger.

4. Batman #73 - Family Reunion 

Will we see the return of Martha?

3. Five Years #2 - She’s Dead

Is Rachel really dead this time around?

2. Go Go Power Rangers Forever Rangers #1 - Forever Red

Ryan has some great call backs to his previous story lines in this issue, and even though Trini is back to being the yellow ranger her favorite color is red.

1. Go Go Power Rangers Forever Rangers #1 - Nice Haircut

I absolutely loved Ranger Slayer's character design. This line was gold...or um pink.


5. Go Go Power Rangers Forever Rangers #1 - Tommy Arrives/AI-YAH! KI-YAH!

4. Superman Year One #1 - Clark, What the Hell?

3. Spider-Man City At War #4 - Spidey Vs. Mr. Negative

2. Superman Year One #1 - Lana's Love

1. Batman #73 - Your Father's Got You


Honorable Mention - Go Go Power Rangers: Forever Rangers #1 - I'm Sorry...

Kim says sorry to Matt repairing their friendship and allows both of them the closure they need, at least he didn't get a letter. Too soon? I love Matt and I hope this indicates him becoming friends with the team again, and maybe more?

5. Justice League #26 - Just Another Tuesday In Central City!

I love Barry and John's relationship here and I love how living in Central City has given Batty a different perspective on things.

4. Go Go Power Rangers: Forever Rangers #1 - As Seen On TV...

If you watched "Green With Evil Part 1: Out Of Control" you will recall this scene in the episode. I love these throwback scenes to the show.

3. Go Go Power Rangers: Forever Rangers #1 - AI-YAH! KI-YAH!/Tommy Arrives

Another scene right from the show with the correct Kiai for both Tommy and Jason here, Tommy changed his throughout the course of the series to his signature SI-YAH! But during this fight that was his Kiai which I love to see. This shows true dedication to Ryan's part as a writer.

2. Daredevil #7 - You're Not Special...

I loved this scene. Daredevil is the book that can do these theology lessons in them and not come off forced. But why I love it is also because we live in a world where everyone feels "special" this gives them either entitlement to do what they want or to play a victim card like they have it harder than anyone else, but I love that Sister Elizabeth gives Matt a swift kick in the rear and reminds him, he is no different than anyone else and that God loves everyone equally. 

1. Batman #73 - You're Father's Got You

I am a sucker for a good father and son scene and as screwed up as their relationship is, this is a good father and son scene.


5. Teen Titans #31 - Body Slam

These over the top scenes are what I love about comics. Crush is fighting her dad, Lobo, and takes a train car to the body.

4. Guardians of the Galaxy #6 - Like Father, Like Daughter

Peter trying to convince Gamora not to kill Thanos's brother was a cool scene, and it shows she will stop at nothing to prevent her father’s return.

3. Superman Year One #1 - Wacky Tabaccy

This panel had me cracking up. The old man could have sworn he saw Clark fly by, however he was accused of having some Wacky Tobaccy in his pipe.

2. Superman Year One #1 - No More Raisins

Young Clark jumping around was pretty funny, also Pa Kent is insisting to Ma to stop putting raisins in his cereal.

1. Superman Year One #1 - HOT!

So many great scenes in this first issue of Superman Year One. I really enjoyed the story of Young Clark growing up and learning about his powers. In this scene Clark accidentally sets the kitchen on fire with his heat vision after eating hot oatmeal. I can only imagine what Ma and Pa had to go through with Clark throughout the years.

Top 5 Panels Of The Week - 6/19/19

The Unstoppable Wasp #9 - Losing Mothers
Batman #73 - Family Reunion
Five Years #2 - She’s Dead
Go Go Power Rangers Forever Rangers #1 - Forever Red
Go Go Power Rangers Forever Rangers #1 - Nice Haircut
Go Go Power Rangers Forever Rangers #1 - Tommy Arrives/AI-YAH! KI-YAH!
Superman Year One #1 - Clark, What the Hell?
Spider-Man City At War #4 - Spidey Vs. Mr. Negative
Superman Year One #1 - Lana's Love
Batman #73 - Your Father's Got You
Justice League #26 - Just Another Tuesday In Central City!
Go Go Power Rangers: Forever Rangers #1 - As Seen On TV...
Daredevil #7 - You're Not Special...
Teen Titans #31 - Body Slam
Guardians of the Galaxy #6 - Like Father, Like Daughter
Superman Year One #1 - Wacky Tabaccy
Superman Year One #1 - No More Raisins
Superman Year One #1 - HOT!

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