Hey comic fans, here is my Weekly Pick-Up List for Frontline this week. This is where I let you guys see what I’m picking up for the week. My Pick-Up List is a little different though. I grade the comics on how excited I am for them. If they score a full 5 out of 5 that means I'm uber excited for this issue and cannot wait to read it. I will also be taking recommendations in the comments for next weeks Pick-Up List. So if you guys want to see me review any comic just tell me in the comments and I'll consider picking it up for next weeks Pick-Up List. Lets get this week started!

Forever Evil #6

Excitement Level: 5/5

I’ve literally never read a Moon Knight book and I’m sad that I haven’t. Moon Knight seems like a great character and Warren Ellis is an amazing writer so my excitement level for this book is through the roof. I read the preview and it looks incredible. My Body is ready!
Excitement Level: 5/5
Earth 2 #21
Earth 2 has been amazing as of late. Tom Taylor is one hell of a writer and this book does not disappoint at all. I’m hoping for a future Earth 2 and New 52 crossover to happen but I wouldn’t lose sleep if it didn’t happen.
(Weekly countdown Review)
Excitement level: 4.5/5
Green Arrow #29
Green Arrow is absolutely flawless. This book has beautiful art and tells a damn good story. I’m really excited to see what happens with Ollie and his father in future issues to come. I also really love how Oliver's dad looks like Oliver from the Pre-New 52 era its really funny and a nice Easter egg to throw Pre-New 52 Green Arrow fans.
(Weekly Countdown Review)
Excitement Level: 4/5
Forever Evil #6
No Dick no! Hopefully the cover of Forever Evil #6 is misleading but I have a bad feeling it’s not. I love this event even though it feels a little draggy. Apparently this issue is a New 52 game changer and will forever shake the core of the DC universe...maybe.
(In-Depth Review)
Excitement Level: 4/5
Wolverine and the X-men #1 All New Marvel Now!
I haven't really read any issue of Jason Aaron's run on Wolverine and the X-Men yet but I’m picking this issue up solely for Quentin Quire. I want to see how Quentin is handling knowing that he will be the Phoenix soon. I’ve never heard read any Jason Latour stuff but hopefully he will blow me away with this issue.
(Weekly Countdown Review)
Excitement Level: 4/5
Magneto #1
I have two 5/5 excitement level books this week, this being one of them. Magneto is one of my Favorite characters ever created in comic book history. Magneto is so complex and multi layered that he really deserves his own book. The last issue of Uncanny X-Men where Magneto was by himself was a perfect issue and is on the top 10 issues I've ever read I can’t wait to crack open this book.
(In-Depth Review)
Excitement Level: 5/5
Moon Knight #1
(In-Depth Review)
I’ve literally never read a Moon Knight book and I’m sad that I haven’t. Moon Knight seems like a great character and Warren Ellis is an amazing writer so my excitement level for this book is through the roof. I read the preview and it looks incredible. My Body is ready!
Excitement Level: 5/5
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