Monday, August 11, 2014

Kat's Pull List for 8/13/14 "Scott Snyder's Batman Ties Into Batman Eternal"

Kat talks about all the comics she is getting this week. Check out what Kat is excited for in this week's pull list.

DC Comics

Batgirl #34

It is sad to see Gail Simone's Batgirl run ending soon. Even though it had its up and downs with the tie-in interruptions, this was still one of my favorite series. Lets hope it has a good ending!

Batman #34

Batman is finally tieing into Batman Eternal! I am looking forward to hearing Scott Snyder's voice for the Batman event.

Batman Eternal #19

I enjoyed last weeks issue of Batman Eternal. Lets hope the title can stay consistent. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 60)    

Harley Quinn #9

I can't drop Harley Quinn, but last issue was kind of ridiculous. I hope with the next couple of issues Harley can balance silly with serious. 

Justice League United #4

Justice League United has been a pretty solid series. Looking forward to seeing how this story arc ends.

Futures End #15

Last issue was surprisingly interesting. Just like Batman Eternal I hope this series can stay consistent. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 60)   


Smallville Season 11 Chaos #1 

This is one of the best comic books out there right now. If you miss the pre new 52 this is the series you should be reading. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 60) 


Starlight #5

I loved the first issue of Starlight and overall it has been a pretty solid series. I heard somewhere that this was the penultimate issue. If that is true I am little skeptical of Millar fitting the last act in only 2 more issues. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 60) 


All New X-men #30

Overall, I have been enjoying All New X-men. This issue looks like a X-23 and Angel centric issue. I still don't know what to think of their relationship. X-23 seems a little out of character in this series.

Also afraid this might be a filler issue because next issue we are going to get the big crossover with Miles Morales and the All New X-men team.   

The Amazing Spider-man #5

Only a few issues away until the start of Spider Verse. Still interested to see how Silk will fit into the Amazing Spider-man universe. 

Avengers Undercover #8

Sad to see this series go so soon. Wonder where these young heroes will go next.


Captain Marvel #6

Captain Marvel has been a pretty solid series. I like the direction Kelly Sue Deconnick is taking the book. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 60) 

Fantastic Four #8

This has been one of the best Fantastic Four series in year. Not saying it is perfect because this is probably one of the weakest Original Sin tie-ins. Overall, pretty good book.  (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 60)

Original Sin #7

Original Sin has been a pretty okay event. One of the better ones for Marvel in recent years. 

X-men #18

I decided to pick up X-men again because of the new writer, the executive producer of Arrow. Love Arrow and can't wait to see what he does for the title. (Exclusive to Comic Uno Episode 60)


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