Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Valiant Entertainment Changes Forever in The Valiant

By: Nicole D'Andria

Best-selling writers Jeff Lemire (Green Arrow, Justice League Dark, Sweet Tooth) and Matt Kindt (Mind MGMT, Unity) will be writing Valiant Entertainment’s prestige limited series The Valiant. The artwork will be provided by Eisner winner Paolo Rivera (Daredevil). The mini-series will be four issues long and feature numerous characters in the Valiant Entertainment universe.

In this mini-series, the Eternal Warrior has protected Earth from catastrophe for the last 10,000 years with the help of the Geomancer, a person who speaks for the Earth. Unfortunately for Earth, the Eternal Warrior does not have a perfect track record. He has failed three times and each failure has led the earth into a new dark age. Now, The Immortal Enemy he has fought against all these centuries has returned. But his arch-nemesis is in for a surprise for the Eternal Warrior now has the most powerful weapon on earth: the Valiant.  

The series will introduce a new Geomancer, Kay, who will be working alongside Bloodshot, a living machine. Several other characters who will be making more minor appearances have also been revealed. Eternal Warrior is a member of Matt Kindt’s Unity series team so his teammates Ninjak, X-O, and Livewire will all be appearing in the mini-series. Archer and Armstrong will also be making an appearance in the first issue.

Geomancer Kay Sketches
Geomancer Kay Sketches
Immortal Enemy Sketches
Immortal Enemy Sketches

Bloodshot Sketches
Bloodshot Sketches
The Valiant Sketch Page

Jeff Lemire shared a few words about how this new series will affect the Valiant Entertainment universe and recommends it to new and old readers alike: “I’ve been a huge fan of what Valiant Comics has been doing for the past two years, with a lot of my favorite creators, and favorite people, like Matt Kindt, Josh Dysart and Rob Venditti, doing incredible work for the publisher… So, it’s a huge thrill for me to now step into the Valiant Universe in a BIG way with the upcoming four-issue series, THE VALIANT, along with co-writer Matt Kindt, and one of the most incredible artists working in comics today, Paolo Rivera. THE VALIANT will not only serve as a great entry point for brand new readers to Valiant, but also enrich the existing universe and shake it up dramatically moving forward. Valiant has an incredible stable of characters to play with, and they will ALL play a role in THE VALIANT.”

This will be Jeff Lemire’s first work with Valiant Entertainment. Alongside fellow writer Matt Kindt and artist Paolo Rivera, the three of them will be creating an event that will change the face of the Valiant universe forever. I like how the Eternal Warrior has failed before which has resulted in hell on Earth. This adds some great tension to the concept... but will that tension be destroyed by the fact that the Eternal Warrior is overpowered thanks to the Valiant? We'll find out when The Valiant begins in December 2014. 

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