Fan Panel Pick From Last Week - Batman #40 "Up Up And Away! DUH!"
5. Kill Or Be Killed #16 - When Did You Realize The World Sucked?
One of the most intriguing aspects of this series is the point of view/monologue Brubaker gives to Dylan's character.
4. Archie #28 - What Is Betty And Veronica’s Ship Name?
Betty and Veronica are going to the dance together!
3. Batgirl And The Birds of Prey #19 - Fighting Crime With A Computer?
The opening scene between Jim and Barbara was a delight, we really don't get to see them interacting enough these days.
2. Detective Comics #974 - The Bat Means Don’t Kill!
What a powerful scene! Cassandra's reaction shows how much she has grown as a character. The bat symbol means don't kill, and that is important to Cassandra in relation to her past.
1. Ms. Marvel #27 - The Costume Doesn’t Make The Hero
One of the my favorite aspects of this series is Zoe's character development, and I'm glad to see it in full display for this issue. Zoe goes from selfish bully to selfless hero!
5. Marvel Two-In-One #3 - Fantastic Thinking
The Mad Thinker decides to become the new Reed Richards. And we thought he was mad before!
4. Avengers #680 - Rogue Goes Rogue!
In light of what happened to Johnny (or what she thinks happened), Rogue goes out for revenge more than justice!
3. Kick-Ass #1 - Kicking A$$, Doesn't Care About the Names!
At their mercy, seemingly defeated and helpless, about to be shot, she just tears the room apart and stands there smiling. Awesome!
2. Amazing Spider-Man Annual #42 - There's No Telporting in High Fantasy!
Yes, it's technically three panels, but any Game of Thrones fan will greatly appreciate the joke about teleportation in that last panel!
1. Old Man Hawkeye #2 - See Me Now?
This made me laugh more than it should, but the art sold the line, and it was hilarious! Obvious joke, sure, but still a good one!
5. New Super-Man And The Justice League Of China #20 - Super Kiss!
Did NOT see that coming!
4. Detective Comics #974 - Death Scene!
Clayface is Really Dead... No Smiles.
3. Detective Comics #974 - How Could You!
You Messed Up Batwoman.
2. The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #16 - Spider-Mom!
1. Invincible #144 - Kid Invincible!
Invincible The Second.
5. Dark Knights Rising- The Wild Hunt #1 - You Don't Know My Life!
I love this scene, not just as a classic Teen Titans fan, or a Raven Fan, this is something everyone can relate to. We are so often defined by other people because of what we wear, the music we listen to, who our family is, but Raven reminds them all that she is who SHE is.
4. Invincible #144 - InvinciGirl!
Why can't she get pants? Anyway. I always joke with Kat that Casey (Like Father, Like Daughter) should be called InvulnerGirl by people and when I seen this the first thing that popped into my mind? InviniGirl LOL. I think she really grew up to be like her father.
3. Archie #28 - The Real Mob Wives Of Riverdale High!
If you are watching Riverdale right now this panel speaks volumes. I love how Betty is using Veronica and Veronica not noticing, but going all Godmother over territory.
2. Detective Comics #974 - This Symbol Special!

I love the bond that Cassandra has with Clayface. I also love how she states very simply that the Bat symbol means something, it means they do not kill. In this scene Cassandra could have killed Kate before anyone could intervene but she didn't because she knows what the symbol means.
1. Amazing Spider-Man - Renew Your Vows #16 - With Great Loss!
So often we see Peter and we forget that he is an orphan. Sure he had Aunt May and Uncle Ben there for him, but he never had his Mom and Dad and in raising his daughter we see that time doesn't make things easier.
5. Old Man Hawkeye #2 - Only "Eye" Can See
You have to laugh, out of all characters the Orb hanging out with a couple of hot cosplayers, and the Namorita cosplayer suggests dressing up as Namor if you like that kind of thing had me dying.
4. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #38 - OW!
Eradicator Superman evaluating Hal Jordan's Green Lantern ring and then all the sudden it busts through the case, blows his brains out, and then he falls on the floor lifeless until he has to reboot again.
3. Kill or Be Killed #16 - The Killer Revealed
In this panel we found out who the copy cat vigilante was. My mouth dropped.
2. Sideways #1 - Get Out!
1. Invincible #144 - Shut Up So I Can Punch You
Terra being her dad's champion was just priceless getting ready to take on that big beast was awesome. And made me think man we could have an invincible spin-off book with Terra in it.
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