Saturday, February 1, 2014

WWE And TNA Wresting Review for the Week of 1/26/14

This week in WWE the road to WrestleMania has begun. Monday Night Raw began with The Authority coming to the ring.  Stephanie puts over the Royal Rumble and Triple H mocks the WWE Universe for not getting what they wanted. Triple H talks about Randy Orton successfully defending the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and Batista winning the Royal Rumble. Stephanie announces that Randy Orton will defend the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at next months Elimination Chamber Pay Per View inside a Elimination Chamber. Daniel Bryan interrupts with a big ovation.  He tells the universe to stop chanting and sarcastically says they will upset The Authority. He says no matter winning or losing everyone still talking about him. He says he kept knocking and asking to be in the rumble and The Authority kept no and made excuses such as his health wasn't good. Stephanie says they were worried about his health and completing in two matches in the same night but  Daniel Bryan says he been wrestling all three members of The Shield and the Wyatt Family. Triple H says they didn't want to be unfair again and Stephanie says does he think the WWE Universe came only to see him and all you hear is "YES" chants.

Bryan tells Stephanie to step aside and tells Triple H he isn't leaving until he gets what he wants. We see Bryan and Triple H. Triple H says they aren't the only two in the ring and The Shield music hits (Seth Rollins slips when doing the entrance which was actually really funny). They attack Bryan but Sheamus (returned during the rumble) makes the save but is too much for him until John Cena comes out to make the save. This sets up a match Bryan, Cena and Sheamus vs. The Shield and the team who wins will be in the Elimination Chamber match.

First match of the night was Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Real Americans with Zeb Colter. During the match The Real Americans were having a meeting outside the ring and we see Zeb Colter slap Swagger in the face. Looks like Swagger was about to attack Colter but Cesaro stops him. After this slap looks like The Real Americans took complete control of this match. It looked like Mysterio and Cara were going to pick up the win but Cesaro uppercuts Cara and hits a Neutralizer.

R-Truth with Xavier Woods vs. Fandango with Summer Rae was the next match. Fandango goes to the top turnbuckle for the leg drop but R-Truth avoids it and hits the "Whets Up" for the win.

Brad Maddox comes out and introduces WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton. Orton says the "The champ is here." He says he doesn't care how he won because no matter what the outcome was the same. He says he is still in a bad mood because he now has to compete in the elimination chamber. He asks Maddox whose idea was it and then the 2014 Royal Rumble winner Batista comes out to a mix reaction. He tells Orton he told him he came back for WWE World Heavyweight Championship. He says he doesn't care who he faces at WrestleMania because he will leave as WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman come out and interrupt them. Heyman tells Maddox that he was Maddox to go to The Authority and tell them to make either on of these two matches WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar for the championship or Brock Lesnar vs. Batista and if they refuse to make either one of these matches something bad will happen.

Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz in a Battle of Cleveland match. Imp sorry but just because both of these superstars are from Cleveland you call this match a battle. This should have been maybe a hardcore match and call it a battle. This match was just a regular match with Dolph Ziggler picking up the victory with a Zig Zag.

Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio was the next match and I must say one of the best matches of the night. This was a back and forth match. Towards the end of the match Kingston kicks him in the head and tries for a superplex from the top turn buckle but Del  Rio knocks Kingston off and Kingston legs are hanging from the rope and Del Rio stomps on him and then hits the superkick for the win.

The WWE Tag Team Championship (rematch from The Royal Rumble was next). The new tag team Championship The New Age Outlaws vs. The Brotherhood. Before the match The New Age Outlaws complain that they just won the championships and now have to but them on the line. During the match Brock Lesnar comes out and The New Age Outlaws run out the ring and Lesnar attacks The Brotherhood. Heyman goes on the mic and says The Authority refused to have either Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar or Brock Lesnar vs. Batista.

The main event of the night was Daniel Bryan, John Cena and Sheamus vs. The Shield and the team who wins will be in the elimination chamber match. The faces controlled the beginning of the match but The Shield took up. At the end of the match Cena had Roman Reigns in the STF and as Reigns was about to break the hold The Wyatt Family comes out and attack Cena. Sheamus and Bryan make the save. The Shield is really pissed off since Daniel Bryan, John Cena and Sheamus win by DQ which mean these three will be in the elimination chamber match and not The Shield which ends the show.

Now all of you much by wondering why CM Punk was not in attendance. This seemed kind of weird especially after his elimination from the rumble by Kane. Late Tuesday night the wrestling world found out CM Punk walked out of WWE. No one knows why but there are several rumors. One main on is Punk didn't want to face Kane at the Elimination Chamber and Triple H at WrestleMania. Also he wanted to main event WrestleMania and he felt that it wasn't right that part time wrestlers are getting championship matches. No one knows if this is a story line or he really did quit. still has Punk profile on it so we will have to wait till Monday Night Raw next Monday to find out.

Impact Wrestling begins this week with what happened during the main event last week and Sting leaving TNA. We see backstage a brawl / argument between TNA World Heavyweight Champion Magnus, ECIII and Rockstar Spud arguing with Kurt Angle and Samoe Joe. Magnus, ECIII and Rockstar Spud comes out to a major heel reaction. Magnus says Sting had a hell of a run in this business but good things come to an end. He compares himself to Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles. He says he made a path way for the younger guys such as Bro-Mans, Zema Ion, Rockstar Spud and even Magnus. He leaves ECIII out and ECIII looks pissed. Kurt Angle and Samoe Joe run out and the heels run out of the ring. Angle and Joe say they made this trip to avenge the screwing of the herd (Sting and AJ Styles). They call Magnus a paper champion which starts a chant which make Magnus go crazy. Magnus says they will have a match tonight which will consist of Magnus and ECIII vs. Kurt Angle and Samoe Joe and if Kurt Angle and Samoe Joe lose they will leave TNA. Angle and Joe say "lets make it interesting" if they win whoever pins or makes Magnus tap out becomes the number one contender for the championship. Dixie comes out and says this match will not happen out all because of all the thing going on. She mentions the new investor and then Magnus overrules her and accepts the match.

Gail Kim and Lei'D Tapa vs. . TNA Knockout Champion Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky.
Gail Kim and Lei'D Tapa attack Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky even before the bell rings. Sky sets up her finisher but Tapa stops its but Rayne attacks her and Sky was able to hit her finisher on Kim for the win. While Rayne and Sky are celebrating Sabin comes out and he wants an apology for last week. Sky says ok and instead of apologizing she says they are done.

James Storm comes out and talks about what's been happening with him and Gunner. He says both him and Gunner has been friends for a long time and even before Gunner was in TNA. Storm calls Gunner to come out to the ring. Gunner says the teamed up to be the best. He says they traveled together and fought in bars together. He blames the briefcase caused this whole issue. Storm says he had a change of heart because of his daughter. He says his daughter asked him why he is mad a Gunner? This made Storm to have a reflection. He tells Gunner he is sorry and they shake hands. Bad Influence comes out and this made a match Bad Influence vs. James Storm and Gunner. At the end of the match Gunner goes to the top rope and hits the headbutt on Kazarian for the win. Looks like Storm and Gunner are back together.

Backstage we see Dixie and RockStar Spud watching the show on a monitor. Dixie looking like she is losing it because of the new investor. She demands for RockStar Spud to go and find out who the new investor is. Roode comes in a demands a title shot especially because he help Magnus beat Sting and AJ Styles. She says she cant guarantee it. He tells her he will give her one week and if not there will be no more favors.

Rockstar Spud comes out and calls out The Wolves to come to the ring. They come out and Spud asks outright who the investor was. The Wolves don't say anything. This gets Spud angry he mentions the he pushed Jeff Hardy off a 500 pound ladder. He slaps  Richards in the face. The Wolves attacks Spud and Edwards says that Dixie would find out the investor the same time as everyone else and it will happen tonight. They says the investor is very interested in the main event and if anyone interferes they will be fired on the spot.

Tag Team Championship match was next. The Tag Team Champions Bro-Mans with Zema Ion vs. Eric Young and Abyss. Young took most of the beating in the match and when he finally made the tag to Abyss, Abyss snaps and attacks the referee. He then chockslams Eric Young. EY says "So this is it?" He makes a match next week Abyss vs. EY in a monster ball match. Abyss smiles and says he gonna hurt EY.

Bully Ray comes out with a casket. He says no matter what he does Ken Anderson still comes back. He challenges Anderson to a coffin (casket) match. Anderson comes out asks what would happens after Bully Ray put him in the coffin. Ray said he would piledrive his wife and kids and he would love to piledrive Anderson wife. Anderson snaps and attacks Ray but Ray escapes.

The final match of the night was Magnus and ECIII vs. Kurt Angle and Samoe Joe and if Angle and Joe lose they will leave TNA and if they win they win whoever pins or makes Magnus tap out becomes the number one contender. This was a decent match Joe made Magnus tap out which means Joe is the number one contender. After the match Dixie comes out and is yelling a Magnus saying "I told you so" and Joes tells Magnus to look into his eyes because he is looking at number one contender. Angle also tells Dixie the time has come and he will be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Dixie going crazy and demands the investor to come out. All of a sudden we here clocks ticking and Impact 3-2-1 and MVP is the new investor and impact ends. This was an ok impact wrestling this week we will have to see where this all thing goes.

Friday Night Smackdown began this week with The Shield coming out looking all pissed off after what happened this past Monday. They was a face to face confrontation with Ambrose and Reigns but Rollins stops anything before it happens. The Shield wants to have a match with The Wyatt Family at the Elimination Chamber. Vickie Guerrero comes out and says it's a great idea and she will make history but before she can Triple H comes out. Triple says this match will never happen because nothing good can come out of this match. Reigns gets into Triple H face and Triple H says if this match they really want and the universe want they will get it. So at Elimination Chamber it will be The Wyatt Family vs. The Shield. I must say this is going to be one crazy match.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Antonio Cesaro with Zeb Colter was a Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match. I have to say I think both these guys could be the future of WWE. Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag but  Cesaro holds the ropes and catches Ziggler with the Giant Swing (I cant watch this move anymore without getting dizzy) and he follows with a Neutralizer for the win.

Prime Time Players vs. Rybaxel. This was a very quick match in which Darren Young take the whole beat down. Axel hits the neck breaker for the win. O'Neil refuses to help Young up. Young goes on the mic and says they are a team and family. O'Neil grabs the mic and says he always has been a winner but this the first time he been called a loser and they were never family. O'Neil says its time for him to get rid of dead weight and he attacks Young. Look like Prime Time Players are officially over and O'Neil is a heel.

The final Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match for the final spot is up is next. The returning Christian vs.  Jack Swagger with Zeb Colter. Christian comes out to a decent ovation. This match back and forth. Swagger goes for the patriot lock but Christian counters it with a roll up for a two count. Christian goes to the top rope and Swagger jumps on top but Christian knocks him off and its the frog splash for the win.

The next match was one half of the Tag Team Champions Road Dogg with Billy Gunn vs. Cody Rhodes with Goldust. This was a pretty decent match. During the match Gunn tries to interfere but Goldust stops him. Rhodes hits the cross rhodes for the win. Gunn attacks Rhodes bur Goldust breaks it up and all hell break those with these two teams with the face standing strong. It was announced that this Monday it will be in a steel cage match for Tag Team Championship  The tag champions New Age Outlaws vs. The Brotherhood.

The main event was The Shield vs. Sheamus, Rey Mysterio & Daniel Bryan. The Shield comes out and after they are in the ring The Wyatt Family appear on the screen he will give them what they want and Harper says The Shield will perish on their hill because he might enjoy taking up this fight." The Shield controlled most of this match and Bryan gets tagged in and clears the house. Mysterio goes for the 619 on Reigns but Reigns hits the spear for the win.

This was pretty decent Smackdown. No mention about CM Punk since this was taped before all the wrestling world found out that Punk quit. I guess Monday night we will find out more information about this.

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