Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Do You Want To Write For Comic Frontline?

Do you want to join the Frontline? Comic Frontline is always looking to add enthusiastic writers to the Frontlines of all things Comic/Geek related! We cover everything from comics, to movies, animation, manga, anime, cosplay, video games and more in the realm of Geek Culture! To help us and you decide where you would feel the most comfortable we put together a guideline below.

  • Please mark the Subject line something on the lines of: Comic Frontline Writer Inquiry. 
  • Within your e-mail please include 1-3 writing samples. 
  • We also want to know a bit about you so we can know where you may get the most out of your writing on Comic Frontline. Share with us a little about yourself, because not everyone is the same, some may be a DC fan, others a Marvel, or Indy fans. You may express an interest in writing reviews, reporting on breaking news, cover TV, movies, Anime, cosplay, or interviewing creators. No matter your passion there is a spot for you on Comic Frontline

Here are a few things to keep in mind if you want to apply for Comic Frontline:
  • We do not pay writers on Comic Frontline. We are just a group of fans that have united in our shared love of comics and geek culture!
  • We encourage all ages to come visit the site, we want everyone in the family from kids to grandparents and everyone else to come to Comic Frontline, so please keep the language accordingly.
  • If you join the site, you do not join our YouTube channel, this is for writers for the site only. But we know many of you may have a YouTube channel where you post your reviews and other geek/comic-related content, and we encourage you to share them on the site.
  • To add your video to a post on Comic Frontline you must also contribute at least one written piece, or use your video in tandem with the piece you are adding. Example: If you want to share your video review/breaking news coverage, you must first contribute a written article, or expand that review/news coverage by writing an accompanying article in which you will embed the video into.
  • You must also commit to at least one piece a week.

Please send your samples, what area you would like to cover, and any questions in your e-mail to Jay at JayComicFrontline@gmail.com

Let us know in the comments what you think of this Comic Frontline Article and don't forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest Previews, Reviews, News and Interviews!

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